Chapter 23

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         Angre and hatred flowed through my body as Liam pushed me aside and grapped the little boy by his upper arm. I would see pure dissapointment and fury in Liam's eyes.  He had found us not long after I had sat down to catch my breath. He didn't pay much attention to me once he saw the little boy in my arms. He had dried blood on his shirt and his nose looked broken. I didn't make any comments afraid he would knock me out cold. 

                     "You disgracefull brat! How dare you run away from me?!" He shouted at the scared little boy. Liam was close to letting his wolf out, I was sure of that. If this wereone of those old cartoon, you would see the smoke coming out of Liam's head. 

                       "I gave you a home, I gave you a family.!" Liam kept shouting and bringing the little guy closer and closer. I was afraid Liam would hit him. 

          When Liam said family, the little boy's eyes shown the same amount of fury Liam's eyes had. His little grey eyes,  narrowing and glaring at Liam. 

                      "A Family? You gave me nothing more than a stupid curse. You turned me into a freak of nature!" He yelled back at Liam. "A freaking monster!" Once that sentence out of his mount Liam slapped him across the face. The little boy fell to the ground, a hand on his cheek, and a tear lick from his widen eyes.

  Out of instinct, I tackled Liam to the ground, getting him by surprised. I strandle him on the snow and gave one fier punch in the nose. My knuckle once again screamed in pain, but I didn't care. If Liam's nose wasn't broken before, it sure wass now. He growled in pain and cupped his nose with his hands. He re-covered fast and rolled over, he pinned my body with his weight, with both of his legs on either side of my body I was trapped. 

                          "You have some nerves punching a werewolf." He said, grinning down at me. 

                       "It wouldn't be the first." I fake smiled. Behind Liam's shoulder, I would see the little boy making his way towards us with the blade that must of falling on the snow. I looked back at Liam who had his eyes rowing over my body. 

                        'If we were in other circumstances, I would so love to take you right now." he said, his voice filled his lust. I wanted to rolled over and puke as he kept on leaning in, inch by inch. 

  He loses his legs around my side and I took the opportunity to flip us over. I held my hand out of the blade and the little boy was fast in giving it to me. Before Liam would say anything, the blade was agaisnt his neck. He smiled wickely at me, but didn't try to move. Instead he put both his hands on my hips and dugged his nails in. The pain was unbareable, but I pushed the blade agaisnt his neck even more. 

                         "You have a death wish, Liam?" I asked the same question Simon had. 

  His smiled faded, his nails dugged deeper in my skin. "No, darling. I bet you have one." He said. 

  Right as I was about to inches the blade all the way in, Gabriel come dashing out of the trees. That's when I made one huge mistake. I looked up to  meet Gabriels eyes, but Liam took this opportunity to flip us over and he stood us up with the blade agaisnt my skin. Gabriel stopped short.

                        "Its a shame, really." Liam spoke from behind me. "To see your own mate die before your eyes." He trace the blade down my neck to  my stomach. I was shaking and I would be lying if I said, I wasn't scared to dead. 

      Liam made a small cut on my stomatch. I whimper in pain, and I saw the hurt in Gabriel's grey eyes. Liam brought the blade back up to my neck, stopping right where my chest was exposed, He didn't waist anytime, he cut a deep, painfully cut in my chest. He let me dropped to the ground, my blood dripping down onto the white snow. 


     I saw her blood dripped down onto the snow. I would see the cut was deep, cutting into all the skin tissues. I took a step forward, but stopped when Liam threated to cut her throat.

                        "Let's me a deal, shall we?" Liam said, turning the blade in his hands. "You let me go, don't folllow me, and I leave you alone." He said, sounding so confidence. 

   I saw Johnny and Jake behind Liam a couple feets back. Johnny had his gun pointed at Liam's back. I shook my head slitly, hoping Johnny woud cath on not to do anything. He didn't and he fired his gun. Liam heard the gun go off, in one quick move he had Abigail placed against his body and he turned around. 

 Have you ever had that feeling where your world comes crashing down?  Where you know you have lost everything you cared for in one sudden minute? Well, that's how I felt went Liam let Abby's body go limp into the ground. I wouldn't contained my angre anymore, I shift and launched at Liam. I wasted no time in ripping his head off. The fury that my wolf had was enough for me to kill the strongest alpha in the country. After Liam's eyes showed nothing, but empiness I rushed over to Abigail's  limp body. The little boy that I noticed before but hadnt really pay much attention had Abby's head on his small little lap.

      Abby had lost a great amount of blood from the cuts and a  bullet make matters much worse. I brushed her curly hair away from her face. She had a faint pulse, but i knew she didn't have long. I didn't want to lose my mate again, after i had founded. 

                                       "Abby, baby, please answer me. Open your eyes, baby." i pleaded with tears running down my eyes. "Don't leave me!"

     Her eyes flutter open, she looked at me with love and sadness. "I won't leave. I'll always be with you." She said, her voice barely a whisper, "Gabriel...I lov-"

  I cut her off not wanting her to say goodbye. "No, don't you dare say goodbye. You are not dying!" I told her. 

 She smiled and closed her eyes. Johnny and Jake came up, I wanted to rip Johnny to shreds. It was his fault for firing his stupid gun. 

                                       "Gabriel, we need to take her to the hospital." Jake said, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

                                         "S-she has a faint pulse. I-i don't think we can make it to a h-hospital in t-ime." I whisper. 

                                          "Let's go." Jake said. "Now, Gabriel!" His voice boomed with demanded. 


******What do you guys think? Will she make it?

Hope you enjoyed. Only 2 more chapters till I'm done with this story.************




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