Chapter 24

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I was pacing and pacing around in the waiting room. Cracking my head on all the possiblilties that I would safe her if she...die. I hate saying that. It didnt sound real, it sounded foreing to me.

We had arrived at the hospital in record time, she was put in the emergancy room. I didn't want to let her out of my sight, Daniel and Jake had to calm me down once the doctors took her away. Johnny knew better than to get near me right now. I wouldn't fight the angre I was feeling towards him. He stood at the other side of the waiting room with Emma. He had guilt,sadness, and worried written all over his face. Everyone did, Alexia was resting agaisnt Daniel's shoulder, she was close to tears when she saw Abby.

The doctors had asked what had happened to her. We had all answer at the same time, making the doctor suspicion of what really happened.

"We were hiking" Daniel had said at the same time Jake said "She tripped over a cat." We all had glared at Jake from that.

The doctor had given us weird looks. We still hadn't explain the bullet in her stomach or the cuts in her sides. The doctor had said to wait and he would tell us how her condition was in a while. But its begin 2 hours and we have yet to hear from one of the doctors. I was getting worried, but I would still feel Abby's hollow breaths throught the bond.

About an hour later, I got the biggest surprised. He stromed throught the double doors of the hospital. He looked around the room, once he's eyes landed on me, what happened next was blur even from me. He stromed towards and once he was infront of me he waisted no time in connecting his fit with my jaw. The inpact of the punch took me by surprised and I went back a step. Before I would straighten completly another blow hit my face.

"If she dies, its your fault! And don't think for one second that I won't hunt you down and kill you like the dog you are!" Abby's father hissed at me, "That I swear to you!" He said with full angre towards me. He wouldn't hit me anymore because Daniel had position himself infront of me.

"Honey, come one. Your causing a scene." Abby's mom told her husband. She gently put a hand on her husband and led him away.

Daniel turned to look at me, "You okay, man?" He gave me a napkin. I wiped the blood from my cut lip and sat down on one of the plastic chair. Alexia patted my back and excused herself with Emma at her side.

"If she dies...promised me you will en-" I didn't get far before Daniel punched me.

"Don't even think about asking me that!" He stood up and left without glacing at me.

As I was about to ask him, the doctor that attented Abigail came. He had a dull, sad expression, I knew what he was going to say and I didn't want to hear it. But I had to, I need to know if my mate was going to make it a life.

"Her condition is not so great. Her pulse is coming and going, thought...she did lose a great amount of blood from the cuts. She still hasn't woken yet, but we are hoping she will anytime soon. The wound on her chest is stitched and we did everything  we would to stop the bleeding. Her leg was woundend, also, and the cuts on her sides are clean and banged. " The doctor said looking at his clipboard on his hands.

"Can I see her?'' I asked him after it looked like he wasn't going to say anything else. 

"She needs the rest. Her condition is critical and -" 

"I thought the best way to get a person to feel better was to talk to them?" Aslexia asked the doctor. 

"It is, but you have to understand that she is not in the best condition." 

"I understand she is not in the best condition, but can't we just see her for a few minutes?" Daniel said stepping forward. 

The doctor exhale a deep breath, looked at all of us and then nodded. 

"Alright. Do not say anything that might upset her. Eventhough she is not awake doesn't mean she can't hear you." He said and motion for us to follow him which we did without a second thought. 


Ambulances, doctors, nurses, visitors, pink/green/blue or patterned scrubs, gurney, clipboards, IV bags and stands, blood, cuts, bruises, pus, torn tissue, casts, arm slings, wheelchairs, waiting rooms, pens attached to wires, needles, gauze, bandages, band aids, and more was all I saw as we made our way towards where Abigail was. The smell of metal, coffe, blood hung on the air; moans, cries, hissed were heard around the hospital. 

Once we got to the room, the first thing I saw was a brusied torn down Abigail is a twin-side hospital bed. She had a tube sticking throught her hand, the tubes for oxygen on her nose, and she had an IV bag attached to her, also. But what I noticed the most is how pale and dead she looked to me. Her face was pale as a sheet, her lips weren't the light pink color anymore, they were almost blue. Her face had a bruised on her left cheek, her injured leg was in a cast, her torso was banged because of the cuts on her sides, and her chest had stitches. I wanted to cry, I wanted to die as I saw my bestfriend almost lifeless infront of me. By looking at Gabriel's face, I knew he wanted to die too.

I wouldn't bring myself to move, my body was in shocke and it didn't want to respond to what my mind was asking. 

"Lexi? Baby?" My mate broke my shockness and pulled me towards the bed. He held my hand as we got closer, I wouldn't bring myself to look away from the once happy, shy, sweet, annoying girl that I called my bestfriend. 

"I-I.." I wouldn't even bring myself to speak. What the hell was wrong with me?

Daniel noticed I was speechless, "Hi, Abigail. We miss you, we want you to come back." He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

Johnny, Jake, and Emma repeating the same thing. How they wished to have her back, to see the shy weird sweet girl again. Everyone said something expected for Gabriel and I. It was weird for me I didn't know the right words to say in this type of situation. When everyone left, Gabriel let me stay alone with Abigail. He knew I wanted to have some alone time, as did he. 

Gabriel kissed Abby's forehead and then left the room leaving me with a pale best friend. 

''Um...hi Abigail...?" I began, "How you doing?...Okay, don't answer that. I can see that you're not okay...The doctor said not to say anything that might upset"

What can I talk to her about? I can't tell her Gabriel is literally breaking down and upset about all this. Ooh. Idea! My pregancy! Yeah that's a good subject to talk about. 

"So I'm going to tell Daniel I'm expecting a baby today. Maybe that will lighten him up a bit. I'm hoping its a boy. I'd name him Chase. But of course you know that. If its a girl I'm going to don't know what I'll name her. I hope if its a boy, Little Chase, I hope he has Daniel's soft, wavy hair and his grey eyes..." What else? "Oh, Liam is dead. Gabriel killed him..."

I stay silent for a few seconds. Remembing all the good and bad times I have had with this girl. All the weird conversations, the randoms silly things, and all the laughs we shared together. 

"...Please don't die..." I whisper, "Don't go. I won't have anyone to be a mom to, I won't have anyone to bother with, to fight over who has to go ask for ketchup at McDonald's...Or to yell at me for begin sexually perverted....Come back, Abigail." I squeez her hand and kiss her on the forehead. 

I wiped the tears that I didn't realized for fallinig. I fix my hair and I walked out of the room past Gabriel who didn't say anything, just walked into Abby's room and shut the room. I found Daniel waiting for me with open arms, I grumble into his hold and sob for my best friend to wake up. Daniel whispered comforting words into my ear and stroke my hair. I don't know how, but I felt asleep in my mate's arms. 

****There is it. Only one more chapter. Well two more, maybe....Anyways, hope you liked it. ***

**Do you guys think Abigail will wake up and live? Or will she die?"**

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