Chapter 4

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   I climbed into bed, without turning on the lights in the room. I would barely see in the dark, but the moon gave some light. I would make out Gabriel tangled in the sheets, sound asleep. I claimed into bed next to his warm body. I put my cold feet against his warm ones, I earned a smiled from him. He put his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him and kissed me. It was one of those kisses that leaves you breathless, it was soft as a pillow and overwhelmed with passion. I shifted to the bottom and caught the flesh between my teeth for a split second, a stinging nip, before soothing the tiny hurt with a tender stroke of my tongue. I heard him groan and felt him sink into me, and my heart began to beat a little faster. My first thought was to be touch by Gabriel, skin to skin, on every inch of my body. To make that goal happen, I began to pull his shirt up to reveal his 6-packs. 

         He caught my hands in his and stopped kissing me, "I don't want to rush things, Abigail" He said, honestly. 

         I knew why he didn't want to do it, he didn't want me to get hurt when and if his wolf took over. 

                          " can control your wolf, he doesn't control you." I told him, looking up to meet his grey eyes. 

 He met my violet-blue eyes and didn't say anything. Instead he kissed my lips as always trying to distract me from the subject. 

                          If you are my mate, you  have to claim me , but you can't because you're afraid of hurting me I told Gabriel, while kissing him. 

                         Why do you have to make things complicated? I don't wanna hurt you, but I do want to claim you as mine. ~  Gabriel said with his sexy-ass voice.

                         How is it complicated? All you have to do is fuck me and enjoy it.~  I told him all serious-like

                        I won't enjoy it, if you get hurt during the process! ~ He growled at me

I stopped kissing him and turned on my side, giving him me back. He was about to say something, but got interrupted by a big bang outside our room. We both shot up in sitting positions at the sound. I looked at Gabriel, he just shrugged. My first thought was that Lex and Daniel were messing around in the hallway or something. But the noise came again. I got out of bed to open the door, when Gabriel graped me by my waist and pulled me away from the door. 

                            "What? What is it?" I asked him

 He just shushed me. He listened to what was going on outside and before he would do anything, the bedroom door slammed open and in came two big guys. Not much older than Gabriel, probably 17 or 18. They had bows and arrows. I knew what they were before Gabriel pushed me behind him.  They were hunters, specifically werewolf hunters. 

One of them put up the bow and arrow saying, "Step away from the girl and get on your knees. Don't try shifting because I will shot." He said in a calm voice, to familiar to sound scary to me. 

 I stepped away from behind Gabriel, he tried stopping me, but I dismiss his hand. I looked at the guy who had spoken. He looked too familiar...He was the guy from the photo Emma told me. His dark brown eyes is what reminded me of who he was. 

                           "Johnny? Johnny Owens is that you?" I asked, suspicious. 

 He took one good look at me, he put his weapon down, shocked. He looked at Gabriel and then back at me. He turned and left. I got my rope and ran after him. I walked pass the guy who was standing at the door, he's eyes were still on Gabriel and didn't pay much attention to me. Gabriel, on the other hand, screamed my name asking to go back. But I didn't. I had to find out if the guy was Johnny. My all-time best-friend from elementary school. 

 He was half way down the driveway when I catched  up to him. He's brown hair, spiky as always. His tall, muscular figure barely visible in the dark morning. He was scratching his head.  He was still good-looking. 

                          "Johnny!" I yelled at him and ran towards him. 

 He turned around to look at me, but kept walking. "Johnny? Is that really you?" I asked stepping in front of him. 

                           "Johnny the Hottie? Sounds familiar or..." I asked smiling up at him

                           "No ones called me 'Johnny the Hottie' in a long time" he said, but didn't smile

                           "It is you!" I said and wraped my arms around him. It was good hugging him again after five years without seeing him. 

He unwrapped my hands from around him and looked at me, "Abigail what are you doing here...with those people?" 

                            "What do you mean by 'those peole'"? I said narrowing my eyes at him

                             "Those creatures! Those...werewolves" He said pointing back at the motel room. 

                             "They're not creatures, Johnny. They're human, too. Just different" I told him, shock that he would said something like that. 

                             "Humans my ass. They change to wolves, there's nothing human about them!" 

                             "You wanted to be like them, didn't you remember?" I said in a small voice

                             "That was before I knew how they were! I was 13 years-old. I didn't know what I was talking about. "

                             "But you weren't stupid. They maybe different, but they're not....creatures." 

 Johnny just looked at me, trying to understand why I was defending them. "Why are you here?" he asked after a while

                               "Road trip...?" I said, not looking at him

                               "You hate road trips, Abby" He said, matter-of-factly. 

                                "Not anymore...People change, I see you did." 

It took him a while to answer but when he did it wasn't good. "You're runaway? With werewolves?" 

                                 "They happen to be my friends. One of them is my best-friend, since my other best-friend left with no explanation. And the other two are brothers and one of them is my boyfriend" I explain to him

                                "You're boyfriend? Gabriel Stone is your boyfriend" He said

I didn't answer him and he got the hint that Gabriel and I weren't just dating. 

                                "You're mates?! You have to be shitting me?" He said, serious

                                "No, she's not. She's my mate." Gabriel said from behind Johnny. 

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