Chapter 21:

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As I start to make my way to find the stairs, I hear noises for a close door a few feet infront of me. With one hand traling along side the wall and the other holding the note Tom left for me, I make a stop infront of the door. Debating whether to open the door or not, I decide agaisnt it and walk away. But not before I hear a young child-like voice crying for help.

I stop in midstep thinking maybe I just imagen hearing something. When that same childlike voice asks for help again, I sigh and go to the door. I take a deep breath before opening the door. Afraid of what I might find on the other side, I ready myself if anything tries to jump at me.

What I'm greeted by on the other side of the door is not pretty. The room is small and barely lit. There is a broken chair in a corner and a torn twin bed on the floor agaisnt the far wall. There is a window that has bars on the outside and its almost completly covered by a black curtain. The walls have claw marks and a few trace of what might be blood. The celing in low

and the floor in made of cement.

"Hello?" I whisper slowly to the dark. When I dont hear a reply back or any type of noise, I back up towards the door.

" Wait!" Somebody whispers back, their voice sounding scared. "Don't leave. Please help me." The voice is coming from the far left wall. I narrow my eyes and made up a little boy curled like a small ball on the hard, cold floor.

I made my way towards him. As I take a last step towards him, he backs away from me.

" don't have to be afraid of me." I tell him, streaching out my hand. "I won't harm you." Giving him a friendly small smile, I kneel next to him ingoring the pain that screams from my injured leg.

He looks at my hand for a moment before putting his own small hand on mine. He comes closer to me away from the dark and coming into the light that is shinning from the window. He can't possibly be more than 4 or 5 years old. He has messy brown hair and big, scared grey eyes. He is wearing nothing more than a simple white t-shirt that is dirty and a pair of wornout jeans.

"Okay. Little guy, let's get you out of here." I tell him, taking the sheets from the bed and wrapping them around him. I pull out my gloves from my jacket and put them on his small, little shaky hands.

"Can you walk?" Its a stupid question, but I had to know.

He just looks up at me and shakes his head. He lifts up the sheets from his feet and shows me a deep cut on his left foot. How the hell did he get that?

"Come on then." I say and lift him up in my arms.

I wrap him tightly with the sheets and walk out to the hallway I was in a few minutes ago. He whimpers when we hear angry voices down the hall. I start walking quickly to find the stairs. It gets darker the farer we go down the hallway. When I finally find the door to the stairs, I take two at a time up to the second floor.

"They coming up." The little boy in my arms whispers buring his face in my neck. What? I dont hear anything. How can he hear them?

As if on cue, I hear foot steps running up the stairs. I open the first door that I see and hide between the many boxes that are in the room. I slid down the wall and sit on the floor with the little boy on my lap. His eyes shine from the moon light coming from the window. Kinda like the way Gabriel's grey eyes glow under the fullmoon. Weird.

I'm about to ask the little boy a questions when I hear movement and voices outside the door. I feel the little boy tense up in my arms. Right now, I'm pretty sure Liam noticed I was gone and send his boys looking for me.

The voices fade away after a couple of minutes. I'm about to get up from the floor when the door flies open. I freeze where I am waiting for them to find me. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to where I am. I close mine eyes and tightly wrap my arms around the boy waiting for them to see us. But they never do. I open my eyes to find that they walked past us with out seeing or smelling us there. Which is great for me.

They leave the room and I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding. I get up from the floor and walk to the door. I slowly open it and find the fourth door that Tom wrote on the note. Saying that it would be easy to get out of this place is an over statement. Tom forgot to mention that you have to jump to get out of here.

Legit jump at least 5 or more feet to the ground. I have to figure out away to get out without killing either of us in the process.

"Okay, little guy, I'm going to put you down. " I tell him. He nods and i put him down.

I start looking for something that I can tie up or a rope. But after ten minutes of coming up with anything, I sit down next to the little boy and rest my head on my hands. I can't give up, not now. I'm so close to getting away from here.

My hopes shatter when I hear a deep growl from behind me. I get up and pull the little boy behind me. I face one of Liam's boys, who has a nasty, lustful look in his eyes as he approaches. I remeber his name beging As he comes close, I step back, having the little guy between the wall and my body.

"Think you would escape?" He asks a playful grin on his face.

I don't know what do to. The only time I've been in a situation almost like this one Gabriel helped me out. But Gabriel isn't here. So I'll just gave to safe my own ass and the little boy's. I can't give up without trying first, without putting up a fight.

******* Okay. So I introduced a new character. The little boy. But I have no clue what his name should be. So it would really help me if you comment boy names. Please? ^.^ Hope you enjoy the chapter. There's only a few more. The ending is shocking. :-0 Vote and comment. ******

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