Chapter 25

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 Pure whiteness. 

 Peace and calm.

 No pain, just delight.

 But then all the memories of what had happened flowed in my mind. Getting out of the warehouse. Knocking-out Simon. Liam finding me again in the woods. Fightig agaisnt him. Then Gabriel showing up. Then...what happened after Gabriel showed up to my rescue? I can't seem to remember. However I did remember that, its way to quiet and peaceful around here. Weird. 

  I slowly open my eyes and see pure white. There's snow falling, but somehow I don't feel cold. I'm laying on a white field, looking up at light-pink trees and baby-blue skies. I don't know how I got here or why I am here. But it feels right, a weird but good right.  I slowly sit up and look around. There is nothing more but pink trees, there is a path to my right that those behong my eye-sight. Once I start to walk on it, its like I know where I'm going and what's waiting for me. Passing by white bunnies, birds singning and chirping, it all seem magical. Like a dream from heaven. 

  I get to a gold beach, like the one on parks, someone's waiting for me. I can't tell who yet because their head is turned in the other direction away from me. But she has white hair and is wearing a white dress with ruffles on the rim. Suddenly, she turns to face me and I can't believe who it is...But she is dead, she has begin dead for 5 years now. It can't possibibly her...Unless...I'm dead? 

  My grandmother smiles at me with such happiness and joy. I can't help but smile back at her. I run into her embrace and hug her tightly. I pull back looking at her face, the same pure brown eyes that have so many joy in them look back at me. With tears on my eyes, I touch her cheek. 

              "Grandma?" I whisper afriad I will suddenly wake up and forget. 

    My grandmother runs a hand through my hair, "Darling, its been so long. You've grown." she whispers. 

             "How-how is this possible?" I ask, part of me wanting to know the answer and the other half afraid of what it might be. 

             "You are in the ghost realm, honey." She says smiling. 

           "Am I...d-dead?" I asked her. I can't be dead. What will happen to Gabriel? To Alexia? How long have I begin dead. Wait. No, I don't know if I am dead. 

             "No, darling, you are not dead. You are in between realms. You are not dead, but not much alive either. You are a awaken ghost." She explains. 

               "What's an awaken ghost?" 

             "An awaken ghost is someone who is still attached to the living world. Who has not yet begin able to parten with their body. On your case, you were given a chose. Either to remain alive or cross-over. " She says, matter-a-fact. 

    I replay what she has told again and again in my head. Of course I want to remain alive. I want to be with Gabriel! Why would I be offered a chose, in the first place? I can't even remember how I ended up in the ghost realm...Wait...A Gun...? 

   I was shot! The memories came rushing in, and I see what brought me here. I was shot by...Johnny. I know it wasn't his intantion, but somehow I can't help but be mad at him. 

               "What if I want to go back? Can I go back to my body?" I ask my grandmother. 

 She signs, not a good sign. "You can go back, but your body is not assential to be up and working again...Liam, that werewolf, he scrath you. His vemon runs through your veins." 

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