Chapter 10: Where is everybody??

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Ariana's POV

Ok who's ready to watch my performance today, I ask excitedly to my family. Frankie, mom, Ariel, and Riley were in the room listening to my plans.

Um yes honey we are ready, mom says. Yup we are, Riley and Frankie say at the same time.

You guys are so cheery, I say sarcastically. And put all my stuff away. Well you guys should start picking out your clothes were gonna be leaving in a few hours, I say and head to my room.

Frankie's POV

Well my sister is excited to perform while I have nothing to do, I say sadly and stand out of couch.

Hey why don't you hang with me and Luke, Riley request. Ariana doesn't even want to see them and what happens if she knows your inviting me to go see Luke. She was depressed about this and she doesn't want to look back to the past, I say and sit on the table.

Frankie Grande you get off that table now, mom says angrily. Sorry mom, I say and head to the sink.

Fine, Riley says sadly and plops onto the cuch like a 4 year old. You guys are so childish. I'm going shopping for a few hours I'll be back before the performance, mama grande says and walks out.

Well it's just us 3, I say and look at my shoes.

Frankie let's go see my dad, Ariel grabs my hand and pulls me to the door. Oh no we aren't, I say and pull my hand away from Ariel. But Frankie this is the only chance I could see him and I won't see him again after this, Ariel says sadly.

Come on Frankie it won't hurt, Riley says and carries Ariel into her arms.

Didn't we just have a conversation about not getting near them, I tell my sister.

Frankie we can't hide forever and for crying out loud I'm dating Luke, Riley yells.

Shh, I shush her. We can't let her hear you.

Please Frankie. I love my daddy and I want to see him face to face, Ariel pleads. I sigh. Fine but don't let your mommy know, Frankie says in defeat. Yay thank you Frankie and Aunt Riley, Ariel says happily.

I give Riley a "what do we do" look and she just smiles. So where are we going, I ask rudely.

Well Frankie I'm going to dial Luke to come to the mall and he's going to bring Jai. We will then surprise him with his daughter.

Ok great go call him like now, I say rudely. It would be a lot faster if you stop rushing me, Riley tells me. I roll my eyes and focus on Ariel.

So what did he say, I ask a few minutes later. Um he didn't answer so I texted him the plan, Riley says slowly. WHAT?! Will never be able to get there on time, I say.

Riley's face turned happy to sad. Ariel sighed. I felt bad for Ariel. Not only she didn't get to see her father, but she won't see him ever again. Ariana wouldn't approve of it.

I won't get to see my daddy, Ariel weeps. I wipe Ariel's tears. You will, I lie so she could feel better. Grande promise, Ariel asks and puts up her pinkie.

Sorry kitten but, I say but get interrupted by Riley. Riley moves her eyes towards Ariel to signal me to do the promise.

I promise, I continue and put my pinky onto hers. I gave Ariel a tight hug and Riley did so as well.

What is all the sniffling, Ariana says coming into the room.

Oh um Ariel tripped, I stutter. Ariel are you ok, Ariana panics and tries to look for any bruises but me and Ariel hide her from behind us.

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