Chapter 11: Where have you 3 been?

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Jai's POV

Me and Ariel were drinking smoothies while Luke kept scaring my little girl. Brothers these days. They just have to play with my kid as well.

So when can me and Ariel hang,  I ask Luke kindly. You guys been hanging out all day what about uncle Luke, Luke pouts. I roll my eyes and throw away my smoothie.

Um Jai Ariel has to go now, Frankie says and carries Ariel in her arms.

No I want to stay with daddy, Ariel whines. I'm sorry kitten, but your mommy wants to see you and you can't tell her about this, Frankie says. Fine, Ariel sighs.

Frankie let her Ariel down and she ran up to me and hugged my tummy. I hugged her back of course. I kneeled down to about her size so I could talk to her.

Ariel, I'll be back don't worry I'll find you, I tell her and wipe her salty tears. I kiss her cheek and waved her goodbye.

While Riley, Frankie, and Ariel were walking, Ariel looked back with tears yelling, "I love you daddy"

A tear fell out of my eye and fell to the floor. I love you more butterfly,I mouthed. I sighed. Luke patted my back and we both headed to Luke's car so we could both go home.

Ariana's POV

* 1 hour later*

I was sipping my coffee knowing they wouldn't be here. Where would they have gone. I know where Riley would go but the two?? Where??

I lightly left my coffee on the counter and lay my head on the couch. While I closed my eyes slowly, the door slowly opens. I lifted my head and quickly grabbed my coffee. I sipped it and stared at the door to see who it was.

I left the light off so someone would know I'm not here and once there in I may surprise them. After I took my last sip I saw Frankie, Ariel, and Riley coming in slowly like they were gonna get caught.

Frankie starts to turn on the light and they all jump. I raise my eyebrow and give them a smirk.

Where have you 3 been, I ask innocently. Riley starts slowly walking past Frankie and walking toward my room.

I'm not done with you, I tell Riley and point my finger toward the chair so she could sit and talk.

So where did you guys go, I repeat. They all stayed quiet and Riley stood.

We went to the mall to go shopping, Riley says. I knew she was lying. I know whether the Grande's are lying or not.

Really where are your bags, I say innocently trying to get them to tell the truth.

Well there in the car, Frankie says standing up to her sister. Oh ok why don't I get them for you, I say pretending it was true and started to walk toward the door.

I knew they were gonna stop me. I already can tell there is nothing in the car and I can tell there hiding something.

I stopped walking and could here Ariel sigh. I was about to take another step until Ariel blurted out one of the worst things I'm worried about.

I went to go see dad, Ariel blurted. I turned around in shock. ARIEL shh, Frankie and Riley say at the same time.

Don't shush her, I tell her and walk up to my daughter.

What did you do with him, I ask her in worry.

We drank smoothies and had fun, Ariel says happily.

What did he say, I continue. He said that he will be back to get me, Ariel says. Mommy imma get to see him again, she says happily and skips to my room.

I then give Frankie and Riley a glare. There faces turn from scared to guilty. They knew they were gonna get another lesson about how not to let her daughter get near that man. They knew what was coming.

What did I tell you, I say angrily to them. Ariana you can't keep making your daughter avoid her father, Riley says standing up.

Who said I was making her I'm just trying to keep her safe, I tell her. I cross my arms and flip my hair.

Keeping her safe more like not letting your own daughter see her dad not a fake, Riley says getting a little mad.

Ok now it's you saying Sean is fake, I say. And raise my arms into the air and plop onto the couch.

Ariana I'll deal with her were dearly sorry we won't do it again, Frankie tells me and walks into the other room with Riley.

You better, I mutter to myself.

Hey guys. Hope you liked this chapter. It took me about two hours to do since I got distracted several time.

Who has kik?? If you guys do comment your username and I'll text you as soon as possible. I'm bored right now.

I'll be updating soon ;) Should I update this first or continue to update my other story??

Btw i have 6 more stories coming up after this story ends. I'll probably start next month. This story will end soon :( but trying to make this story up to about 30 chapters. Wish it would be 100 but that may be on my other stories coming up.

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