Chapter 30: Locked in

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Hey yall! I know many of you love this book a lot but's going to end soon in a few chapters. I love this book so much but the book is already almost to the end. but to cheer you up I have 14 more books coming but they are coming one by one and won't come instantly. Maybe two books might appear next year you never know. So if you want more Jariana(some are just regular Ariana stories but Jai is in them) I think you'll love the books that'll be coming. They might be better than this. So ya I love you guys and I'll miss this book the most. Btw this is my fave.

Ariana's POV

I couldn't believe who I was seeing.

"RILEY", I yell to her and run up to her and give her a tight hug.

"Ari", she says back while we hug.

After we finished hugging she looks at me in worry.

"What happened", she asks me and takes me into the kitchen and I sit on the stool.

"I'll tell you what happen after you tell me why you didn't use your key to open the door", I tell her and raise an eyebrow.

She then starts to turn red. I knew she was embarrassed.

"I left my keys at Melbourne before I left", she tells me.

I then give a chuckle. oh Riley.

"How did you even get to kick that door open with your bare feet", I ask in shock.

"well first I used a bobby pin to open it and I wanted to seem cool so I kicked it", Riley tells me and grabs an apple from the fruit basket.

"Seriously Riley", I tell her and give a slight chuckle and remember Sean.

"So what happened to you", she asks and bites into her apple.

"Sean is forcing me to marry him", I cry out to her.

She rose an eyebrow.

"I thought you wanted to marry him", she asks me and slowly bites into her apple.

"I did but now I know I love Jai more than anything", I tell Riley.

"I see and I'm glad you made the right choice", She tells me happily.

"Big Sean is a jerk and doesn't deserve to have an awesome girl like you", Riley continues.

"Thanks Riley", I tell her and give her hug.

"Well you should get some sleep", she tells me.

"You should too", I tell her and I head to my bedroom and Riley sleeps next to me on my king sized bed.

*hours later*

I wake up and notice that something happened while me and Riley were asleep.

I looked to my right to see Riley in a chair tied up and same as me except I was far from her. I think Sean did this so I wouldn't escape and not marry him tomorrow.

I hope Frankie gets here soon. I don't want to be imprisoned in my own house. I tried to pull my hands out of the rope but it tied up really tight. I should've left the house instead of sleep.

My were tied up but I managed to stand up and the chair on my butt. I look to Riley and see her with face mark on her face. I think Riley was awake while i was asleep.

"RILEY",I yell to her. she doesn't move but I notice her eyes started open slowly.

"RILEY WAKE UP", I continue to yell.

She then pulls her head up and looks to me.

"Ariana are you ok", she worries.

"Ya I'm fine but we gotta get out of here", I tell Riley.

"I know but that's gonna be kind of hard when there is a security camera around the house", Riley tells me.

"What I never put security cameras in the house, only at the entrance of the door", I tell her.

"It was Sean", Riley tells me.


"Ariana if you get out of that chair and you are rope free he's gonna add another obstacle so we would have a harder way on getting out", she tells me worriedly.

"How do you know", I ask.

"He told me while you were asleep and I tried to save us both but he knocked me out and before he knocked me out he said be careful what you do next cuz there will be something that'll block your way", Riley tells me.

"so I think he's gonna get some things to block us from the exit", Riley continues.

"Maybe we should just stay here and you could have a divorce after the marriage", Riley tells me.

"HELL FUCKING NO", I yell to her angrily.

"Do you know he still has to sign some papers and agree about this divorce", I tell her.

"You could trick him", she suggest.

"I'm not gonna go down that path were just gonna have to try", I tell her while pulling my hands off the rope.

"Is he here", I continue.

"it's too quiet for him to be here", Riley tells me.

"Then we're just gonna have to escape as fast as we could and I think he's gonna try to come here when we reach the entrance but we will probably be out of the house by now", I tell her.

Riley sighs.

"I'm scared", she says.

" I am too but we have to do this to save ourselves", I tell her.

she gives a fake smile.

"You ready".

"I'm ready".

Slowly Fading Away (Sequel to Your My Everything, Love)Where stories live. Discover now