Chapter 19: Where's my Twin

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Ariana's POV

* 3 days later*

"My twin has been gone for 3 days and all your thinking about is pancakes", I tell my brother Frankie and walk away like diva to the couch.

"I'm hungry and I can't help it you little diva", Frankie tells me with a frown. I raise my eyebrow.

"How am I the diva, Mr.hungry", I tell Frankie.  He pulls his tongue out and I quickly gave him the finger. He pretended to be in shock and I just frowned and turned away from him. I couldn't handle all this crap coming into my head.

Then something pops into my head.

"Holy Crap, I think I know who kidnapped my sister", I say and place my hand on Frankie's wrist.

"LUKE were looking for Riley right now lets go", I yell to him since he's upstairs.

"Ok diva", says Luke and runs out the door.

"I ain't the diva you little son of a bitch", I yell to him angrily. Jai then pats my shoulder and I calm down.

We then all head into Luke's car and I then drive.

*during the drive*

"Ariana are you sure it's Kiana", asks Jai. I look at Jai but turn back. I then stop at the red light.

"I'm for sure, who else is angry at Riley and I", I say. Then it all went silent. Awkward silent.

"Ok so I know Kiana works at the food court where they serve all that shit and I'm gonna look for her and get my sister back ", I say and park at the parking lot.

"Ok so Luke and Jai are going to ask random people if they have seen my sister and me and Frankie are going to the food court", I tell them quickly and strut my way to the mall.

"Damn Ari, you don't have to be that grouchy", Frankie tells me while trying to catch up to me.

"Whatever", I tell him and push the door into Macy while looking for the food court.

We walked for 5 minutes and we finally made it. I quickly went to Jamba Juice, since that's where she works.

There was not that many employees. I went in front of the woman in the cashier with Frankie and plopped my bag onto the counter.

"Is Kiana here", I try asking politely. I tried to hold my temper started to crack my knuckles to help calm me down.

"I'm sorry but there is no Kiana that works here", the woman tells me. I frown and she gives a fake smile.

"Look you better tell me where she is or I'll call the police", I tell her while trying to hold my temper.

"Look miss I don't know what your talking about and you shouldn't be calling the police for no apparent reason", she tells me and fixes her ponytail.

I couldn't hold my temper. I was about to jump onto the counter and slap the woman but Frankie grabs me and pulls me away from the food court.

"Frankie let me go so I could talk to her about Kiana", I yell to Frankie and struggle my way out of Frankie's arms.

"She obviously doesn't know who the hell Kiana is so stop bugging her",Frankie says and finally let's me go.

"Ok whatever but we still need to find her and my sister", I tell Frankie.

While I was walking I spotted Jai and Luke so I hurried to them. I wasn't smiling or frowning. I had no emotion right now.

"Did you find Kiana", asks Frankie.

"No I thought you guys found her"

While they were talking, I was looking around. I started to walk away from them so I could look around. But while I was looking, I spotted this girl. Her hair wasn't very short, and she had a nose peirce. And when she flipped her hair towards me, i then knew who it was.

It's Kiana.

I then walk closer to her. She doesn't move. I quickly walk toward her so I could get a bit closer. I was finally 1 feet away and went all black.

Jai's POV

"Frankie, is Ariana ok cuz she's been a little grouchy", I ask.

"A little, more like a lot", says Luke. I then give him a glare and then I turn back to Frankie.

Frankie started to look around. He had worry in his eyes.

"Where's my sister", he asks me and Luke. I then look around and she wasn't in sight.

"Oh god no", Luke says. I then turn to him and raise my eyebrow.

"Did you see anything",I ask Luke in worry.

"Well...I saw Ariana walking but I didn't really pay attention to her walking so I then continued talking to you guys....and now I guess she's gone", Luke says.

"And you didn't even bother to ask where she was going", Frankie says with a little high voice.

"Frankie, she isn't 10, I think we don't have to worry that much on her", says Luke.

I then started to think. Where could the girl I loved be? Then something pops into my head.

"Kiana", all 3 of us say at the same time.

Hey loves. A little short, but wanted to update for yall. So, my new story "An Affair" is going to be published soon. Maybe today or tomorrow, so get ready. I hope you guys like this chapter and I hope you'll like "An Affair"

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