Chapter 4: Jariana Search

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Ariel's POV

I woke and I was very tired. I walked out of my room and smelled something good. I walked downstairs and put my head on the counter.

Hey kitten, mom says and puts a plate on the counter. She pulls my head up and I saw garlic bread. I liked my lips. Then mommy let's go of my head and my head drops to the counter. My mom starts to laugh.

My little kitty is so sleepy, why don't you go get some more rest, mom says. Ok, I say and walk up the stairs. I then remembered something and went back downstairs and quickly grabbed the plate of garlic bread and hurried up the stairs. Mom gives a chuckle and yells, "you little thief." I smirk and close the door behind me.

I walk to my jewelry box and examine the ring so I could find something about this man. I'm pretty positive this is my dad. I looked at the note as well and it said Jai. Maybe I should search it up. Since my mommy is famous, maybe I could find something about this person.

I grabbed my laptop and went on Google. Some bread crumbs fell on top of the laptop and I searched up "Ariana Grande and Jai" It took a few seconds too load and I could see many sites. Some of them said:

● Ariana Grande cheats on Jai Brooks for Big Sean

●Jai's December Depression

●Ariana Grande cries in an interview about Jai Brooks

●Is Ariel gonna stay with Jai Brooks or Ariana Grande

●Big Sean gives death threats to Jai Brooks

●Jariana forever?

I ignored all of the websites and went on Google image to search them up. When I did I saw tons of pics of them together. I cried a little when I saw a pic of my mom with Minnie mouse ears kissing Jai. It felt so real. I feel like this is true love.

I started to cry into my pillow. I'm 100% positive this is my dad. He even has freckles under his eyes. I had mommy's eyes and I had his freckles. His hair was a little curly and mommy's hair was wavy and combine that which makes my hair. They look perfect.

I then wipe my tears and print the picture so I could keep it forever. I put the picture in my jewelry box and searched for more. I then went to go check on mommy's instagram and saw many pictures of that Sean boy. She had tons and then I landed on a picture. It was the one I printed out. I can't believe mommy still has it. I read comments below it and most of them were about them going back together and tagging @bigsean.

I then saw another picture and it was a picture of a charm bracelet. It had a charm of a baby and many more. I smiled at the charm bracelet and shut down my computer. I then hurry to mommy's room to see if anyone was there. No one was there so I hurried to her jewelry box. My mom had six so I had to hurry. I looked in all 6 and still didn't see it. And all of a sudden someone walks into the room.

I see someone wants to wear mommy's stuff, mom says and tickles me. I laugh and mommy carries up onto my bed.

So you want to do a fashion show at home, mom asks me. Yes, I say and grab all of the jewelry boxes. I then completely forget about the Jariana thing.

Very short. Sorry

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