Chapter 20: 2 missing and 2 searching

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*a day later*

Jai's POV

"Have you seen this girl anywhere", I ask to a random stranger. I show him a picture and he smiles.

"I love that woman, but I haven't met her in person, I'll tell you when I see her", the man tells me and pats my shoulder. He then walks away.

I then walk to Luke.

"It is impossible to look for Ariana, she's so famous they think I'm following her every move",i tell Luke. He then looks to me and frowns.

"Why aren't you looking for Riley", Luke tells me. I then frown.

"Why aren't you looking for Ari", I say and raise an eyebrow. He then starts to mock me.

I then roll my eyes and walk away from him. While I was walking away from him, Frankie came to me.

"Frankie have u seen her", I ask him. He then looks down.

"No...they think I'm stalking her", Frankie tells me.

Finally, someone that has the same problems. its literally hard to find the woman you love that is famous.

"I feel you bruh", I tell Frankie and place my arm on his shoulder.

"Well mama grande can't know about this so I have to stall mama and you guys have to find her as soon as you can", Frankie tells me.

"Ok we will do our best", I tell him and Frankie hurries to a cab.

Well I guess I'll be looking for Ariana myself since Luke only wants to look for Riley.

*hours later*

It was 3pm and there was still no sight of Ariana or Riley. I was hungry so I went inside Hungry Jacks to get some food.

While I was inside, I saw a woman in a hoodie. I can see a little of her nose with a nose peirce. Her hair had a few highlights but not as many.

I looked closer and it was Kiana. Oh my lord. If she sees me she'll start running. I face the wall so she won't see my face. I waited for maybe 3 minutes before she left.

I quickly grabbed a random bicycle that was on the floor and followed her red car.

I didn't want her to see me following her so I placed my hoodie on and rode. I wasn't very good at riding bikes,and I almost hit random people.

*20 minutes later*

Finally, Kiana parked at a old house. This is probably where she is.

My legs were sore from all that pedaling and I feel like I could fall to the floor, face flat.

While she was walking to the front door, I quickly pulled out my phone and called Luke.

*convo with Luke*

L: did u find them?

J: no but I found Kiana

L: where are you? Imma kick her ass

J: you have to quiet if your gonna come. She doesn't know I followed her. get the cops on speed dial.

L: I will when I get there. Where are you?

J: I'm at 1423 Tralls Avenue and the street is katella.

L: ok I'll be there in 20.

J: bring a weapon for protection

L: ok sure I'll bring a condom *chuckles*

J: the fuck. Not funny. Just bring a weapon

L: ok I'll bring the gun.

Slowly Fading Away (Sequel to Your My Everything, Love)Where stories live. Discover now