Chapter 29: Who is Sean?

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Ariana's POV

Sean was coming over. I wore blue tight skinny jeans that had little rips on it and a nirvana t shirt. I wore white high heels to go with my outfit and I was all set.

I really loved Sean. but not as someone I would marry but as a friend. I don't love him in that way. I love someone else and I should tell him that.

...I hope he understands.


Oh shit it's him. I'm so nervous and I hope I can get the words out to tell him.

I walked quickly to the door and looked through the window that was on the left of the door and it was him.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

This is gonna be a long day...

"Hey baby", I say and kiss his cheek.

"Hey babe", Sean tells me and hugs me tightly.

"Let's talk in the living room", Sean says and walks there ahead of me.

While I followed him i played with my fingers.

We both then sat down on seperate chairs. I was in my fave chair which is across from him while he was on the couch.

"Babe sit next to me I want to be next to my fiancé", he says and pats the couch telling me to go there.

"but babe I just got comfortable", I tell him and pout.

"Alright fine, will just have more fun after the marriage", he tells me and gives me a wink and smirks.

"So babe I already planned where to get married, what flowers will have, where the after party will be-" he says.

I then interrupt him by saying "I CANT MARRY YOU SEAN".

"What the hell are you talking about", he says and stands up from his chair.

"Are you not ready cuz if your -" he continues but I interrupt him again.

"I am ready...", I tell him and look down.

This is not gonna turn out well I think.

"Then why won't you marry me", he says tiny bit angrily and curious.

Before I could answer him he answers his own question.

"I know what this is about", he says and walks toward me with a fake laugh.

"It's about Jai", he continues.

"It's all about Jai", he says.

Before I could say something he interrupts me again.

"What do you see in Jai he's just a stupid little boy is younger than you and just wants to use you for fame", he says and a tear falls out.

"Age doesn't matter and he is not stupid and he'll never use me for fame because he loves me and I love him", I tell him with tears in my eyes.

Sean grabs my arm and squeezes it tightly. He squeezes it tighter and tighter and my arm started to feel a little numb.

"Ariana you are going crazy and you know you love me and I know I love you and once we get married you'll see how much you love me", he tells me and still doesn't let go of my arm.


"I actually can and I guess will just have to get married tomorrow I guess so you'll see how much you love me right away", Sean tells me.

"Let go of my arm", I plead.

He then finally lets go of my arm.

"Ya we could get married but it won't stop me from loving JAI", I yell at him and he immediately slapped me in the face.

I fell the the floor because how hard he slapped me and it hurts a lot.

"Who are you", I ask wondering who was the guy I'm marrying tomorrow.

I thought he was the sweetest boy but actually he's the worst boy you'll ever have.

"I'm Sean your fiancé", he says and walks away from me.

He then looks back at me with evil in his eyes.

"I hope you already bought your wedding dress", he tells me and slams the door.

I start to tear up and quickly grab my phone. I then start to dial Frankie.

I called him and he didn't answer. I called him again and he finally answered.

*convo with Frankie*


F: what's going on? I'm about to head onto the private jet.

A: you have to head here fast! I told Sean that I loved Jai and how I didn't want to marry him and he's forcing me me to. And if I don't marry him I think he's gonna do something horrible.

F: don't worry Ari I brought some people to save you

A: ok just come here quick I'm scared as shit.

F: ok stay safe and keep a look out


F: love you bye

A: you too bye

*end of convo*

After I finished talking to Frankie I threw my phone onto to my fave chair and started to cry. I hope my life doesn't get any worse.

While I cried I heard noises at the front door. I think someone was breaking in. but the sound I was hearing isn't what a burglar would do. they would usually be sneaky not the sound of a persons foot banging on the door.

I looked closely at the door at who was coming and then all of a sudden the door flew open.

I was in complete shock.

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