Chapter 2: Hating my boyfriend

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*2 weeks later*

Ariana's POV

Break up, make up total waste of time.
Can we please make up our minds? And stop acting like we're blind .

Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining.Stars fall, and the world goes blind boy, you know I've been saving my love for you, for you.

Cause your the best mistake I've ever made, but we hold on, hold on. There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase, but we hold on, hold on.

I guess times wasting, tick tocking, lip locking. How can we keep the feelings fresh, how do we zip locking?

Wear your heart up on your sleeves so watch out for pickpockets. I guess to go to distance we might need to pit stop it.

Hold up, I know love could be a beach with no shore. I done count to ten, lost my temper, and went back to four.

I know sometimes it's hard to realize I'm the man that you need. I had a dream we branched out and started a family tree.

And I feel like that we do is overdue. You ask why I love your mom so much cause she's older than you.

I wish that you were happy, I guess that's the one thing I should be providing. Ain't no #2 , we both ones of one's and we the oddest.

Couples only humans cept you, you a goddess. Only lying to you why I lie you down, just being honest.

When you start as friends it's hard to say you never going back. If I'm not the one then I'm the best mistake you ever had.

Break up,make up total waste of time.
Can we please make up our minds and stop acting like we're blind.

Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining.Stars fall and the the world goes blind boy.

You know I've been saving my love for you, for you. Cause your the best mistake I've ever made. But we hold on, hold on.

There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase but we hold on, hold on.

Your, Your, Your, Your.
I've been saving my love for you, for you.

Thank you, I say and walk backstage with Big Sean holding my hand. You were amazing baby girl, Sean says and kisses my forehead.

Thanks you too, I say and give him a hug. Mommy your awesome, Ariel says and hugs my hips.

Aww thank you kitty, I say and kiss her on the nose. She giggles.

Was I good, Big Sean asks my daughter who is 8 years old. Ariel just gives him a frown and smiles at me and runs away.

Ariel, don't act like that, I yell to her since she's like far away from me. I'm sorry about that, I tell Sean and pat his back. He seemed down since I know Ariel never liked Big Sean from the start.

It's cool, Big Sean says and walks away and stares at him phone. I walk to my dressing room and start to change into my regular clothes since I'm going back home.

Then Ariel walks into the room with Frankie.

Good job baby sis, Frankie says and I give him a tight hug. Thanks, I say and look at my daughter in disappointment.

Oh no what did Ariel do, Frankie says looking at Ariel as well.

Why did you act like that to daddy, I say.

He's not my daddy, Ariel yells and runs away with tears in her eyes.

I don't know what I'm gonna do about her, I tell Frankie. Frankie, I've been trying to get Ariel to like Sean but she won't budge, I say and look at my heels.

Don't worry she'll come around, Frankie says and we all head out of my dressing room to talk to Scooter.

Hey Scooter, I say walking up to him. What's up Ari, Scooter says.

So where else am I performing, I ask. Not sure yet, be very patient, Scooter says and starts talking to my choreographer, Issac.

Ok thanks, I say and walk away.

Jai's POV

I was at the mall with my brothers to buy some stuff and look for girls. That was Beau's plan and me and Luke aren't in the mood to look for women right now. First of all, Luke is dating Riley and I want to be single for life so I won't feel any pain.

I then start to think about my daughter. God I miss her so much. If only I could see her again. If only my ex would let me. She probably hates me. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm still in  love with  her, I thought to myself. I can't let her go, she's my everything. While I was thinking about them, Beau pulled my arm and begged me to go to the food court. I nodded and we went.

While I went there I could smell something so delicious I could eat the whole platter.

Hey Jai, let's go get subway, Beau says and takes me there. Ok so what do you want, Beau asks me. Whatever, I say and look at Luke who is sitting there talking on the phone.

I ordered and got my food and sat in front of Luke while Beau sat right next to me already eating his food.

Ok so are you guys ready for the soccer tournament, Luke asks me and Beau. Sure, me and Beau say while munching on our food.

While I was eating a song comes on. It's voice seemed familiar. While I was listening it seemed like a song I would never get out of my head.

And then I knew who it was it was Ariana. She was singing Break Your Heart Right Back. Beau and Luke looked at me.

Luke had an annoyed face since he's mad at what Ariana did to me and Beau had no mood at all.

Let's go, Luke says and walks away. Beau follows him, while I still sit down waiting for the song to finish.

Hurry up you c**t, Luke yells from across the food court. Wait, I yell back and smile at what I'm hearing. Luke rolls his eyes and runs up to me and pulls my arm. He pulls me away from the food court and now the song finished. Good thing Luke pulled me away after the song ended.

Dude, what's up with you, Beau asks concernly. Nothing, I say and walk out.

Sorry it's short again :) but hoped you liked it.

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