Chapter 24: Proposal Planned the Day I Got Back

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*many hours later*

Ariana's POV

My eyes were closed and I was in a deep sleep. No one could wake me up. People can push me, poke me, or throw things at me but I wouldn't wake up.

But this time I woke up from the plane. It just landed. I quickly got off my seat and grabbed my luggage.

Frankie followed behind with Ariel in his arms.

I quickly got out of the plane felt the air going into my face. Today was a windy and sunny day.

We walked about a few steps and quickly went into a cab to take us home.

*at the house*

I was in front of my door trying to find my keys in my purse. While I struggled, Frankie pokes me.

"What", I say in annoyance. I then look to him and in his finger that he used to poke me,was the keys. I smiled innocently and quickly opened the door.

When I walked into the door first I was in shock.

"SURPRISE", everyone yelled.

When I mean everyone I mean my friends, family, and boyfriend.

Liz, Matt, Issac, Alexa, Mom, Dad, and Big Sean.

They all had a happy face on. I just really hope Sean doesn't remember what happened back there.

"Hey mom", I say happily and give her a hug.

"We missed you pumpkin", Dad tells me. I then give a chuckle and a hug.

"I'm not a pumpkin, I'm a kitten", I say and give a pout.

"No I'm kitten", Ariel says from behind and gives a frown. Her arms were crossed and she had a frown.

I smile and carry her in my arms.

"Grandpa! Grandma!", Ariel yells excitedly and hugs them while in my arms.

Dad carries Ariel out of my arms and gives his two girls a kiss.

"Well Sean has a surprise for u and you should go with him today", mom tells me. I give an awkward smile and turn to Sean. He wasn't looking at me but he was blushing.

"Ok bye mom"

I grab Sean's hand and we both head somewhere.

"Are you still mad at me", I say awkwardly when we both reached the car.

"No I'm not"

I smile and sat in the car patiently.

*in front of a hotel*

I got out of the car and stared at the hotel. What are we even gonna do here? Sex? Have babies?

Sean puts his arm around me and smiles.

"I have something to show you", Sean tells me and we both walk in. He grabs the key for our room and we head into the elevator.

"Our room is the biggest one"

"That's nice thank you Sean"

"Don't thank me yet", Sean tells me.

I turn to him and give a confused look. What's going on?

The elevator finally stopped and it stopped at 35. I got out of the elevator first and looked around.

"So where's our room", I ask.

"It's not in this floor", Sean says and gives a smirk. I roll my eyes happily and walk around. I walk straight and stopped at a music room.

The music room was dark. I went inside and Sean followed. I looked for the light and I finally turned it on. There were decorations around the room.

"Sean....", I say slowly. He looks to me and smiles.

He then goes in front of me and kneels.

Holy shit this can't be. I was in shock. I covered my mouth and my eyes started to get watery.

"Ariana, ever since I saw were the only girl on my mind. Naya was nothing to me. She was grouchy and bossy. But you...your the best. Your kind, loving, sweet, and hot. You have a good heart. You make me feel so good in life and I love touching you. And I just wanted to say if you will marry me", Sean says and takes his breath.

"Yes!", I say in excitement and give him a hug.

"So do you want to go into our room now", Sean questions.

"I know what you want", I say and smirk. He then giggles and we hurry to our room.

Hey guys. Sorry for the late update.

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