Chapter 31: The Escape

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Ariana's POV

"You ready".

"I'm ready".

I started to try and stand up on my feet and I did. I knew what I was gonna do was gonna hurt bad. and I mean bad. I started to turn around and face the window.

I then started to run backwards and as fast as I could and when I reached the wall the chair barely broke. Ugh what the fuck.

I then start to crawl back to my position.

"Riley you do it too so we can get out of here quicker", I tell her. she nods and we both start to bang out chairs into the wall so we can break free.

And since I felt this wasn't gonna work, I was afraid what will happen to my head. I don't want it have a head injury or back injury but most important is my head. I quickly went on top of the bed and stood on it.

Riley saw me and stopped banging her self on the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing your gonna hurt yourself", Riley tells me worriedly.

"I'm doing this for love", I tell her.

Before she could stop me, I then jumped backwards and lifted my head up so I wouldn't try to get my head to hit the ground first. But then again I am gonna hurt hands when they get smashed.

When I fell to the floor my chair broke except for the back part of the chair but that didn't matter cuz it could just slide off me. My hands hurt a bit but not so much.

Now all I have to deal with is my hands being tied up. I then looked around the room and found a flower vase with roses. I started to pull the roses off the base from behind and threw the roses to the floor.

I then grab the vase from behind Riley interrupts me.

"Don't be too loud you don't know if someone could be watching us and could here us", Riley tells me.

"It's gonna be loud anyways", I tell her and throw it to the wall from behind.

The vase was shattered in lots of big chunks of the vase.


"What just be glad I'm about to get us out of here", I tell her and grab a piece of glass.

"Pass me one", she says and I hurry to her and place her piece on her hand.

We then both started cutting ourselves free. While I was cutting the rope my skin was being cut too and I could feel the blood dripping off my hands.

It hurts but I have to do this. I continued to cut the rope and finally it was cut free. My wrist was numb including my hands they felt weak. But I have to stay strong and continue to be rope free.

I now had to cut off the rope on my feet. I then started to cut it for a few minutes and i was finally free. I looked at my wrist and feet and they had blood dripping. I then look to Riley and she was free except she still was half way on the rope that were on her feet.

I then hurry to the little table that was next to my bed and I looked in the drawer and my phone is still there.

Sean is so stupid. I looked at my phone percentage and it was 43%. I think it can make it. I grabbed the charger and putted it in my jean pocket. I then hurried onto iMessage and texted Frankie.


I then looked at the time and it was 4:30 am. oh god we have to hurry before Sean gets here.

I opened the door slowly and looked through the little space I could see. No one on the top floor. Good thing Sean didn't lock the door cuz he's too stupid to switch the knobs around. I then slowly open the door all the way and I head out. Riley was finally finished cutting the rope and she followed behind. I put my phone on silent so nothing would be heard.

But while I was looking around, I notice something lit up from Riley's back Jean pocket.

"Riley your phone", I whisper to her.

She grabs her phone and looks at it.

It was from Luke.

"I'm going to Ariana's house to see you and I hope your there. I'm gonna take you somewhere", Luke texts.

"Tell him don't come to close over here but try to find away to reach us if we still haven't gotten out in ten to fifteen minutes", I tell her.

"ok", she tells me and texts him what I told her.

she puts her phone back in her pocket and we both slowly crept down the stairs. One of the steps made a sound but not too loud. While I finally reached the last step, i ducked down. There was a guard outside the entrance and I could see it through the window. I looked at the back entrance and notice two guys were blocking the exit but weren't looking in our direction. They were both sitting down and they were asleep. The one in the front was wide awake so we didn't know where to escape.

I then got an idea.

"Riley we should head back up stairs it's the best plan we got so we wouldn't get caught but it's risky", I whisper to her.

"We're doing this for love", she tells me and I smile and we quickly crept back up the stairs. I quickly went in front of her to show her where we're going we both went into my room and into my luxury bathroom. I slowly went up to the window that we were gonna escape and it blocked by wood. Ugh. Sean knew my plan. I felt that Sean wouldn't know that we were out of the ropes since I think he was getting his beauty rest for the marriage and besides the guards could call him when they find out we have left.

I then hurried to the sink and under the sink I open the cabinet and found my dads toolbox. It was needed in emergencies. Thanks dad for forcing me to put it in my bathroom.

Since the wood was nailed down I grabbed the hammer and started to pull the nails out. When all the nails were out I gently put the block of wood onto the bathroom floor and open the window. It was small but good think me and Riley were skinny. I let Riley go first and then I climbed out of the window. Me and Riley started to walk slowly so we wouldn't fall off. When we reached the end I saw there were two guards at the front as well and there was a car in front of the entrance. If me and Riley could get it it we could drive off even without the keys. I know a technique.

I then pointed to the roof and me and Riley climbed up the roof and could see the view from here. It seemed awesome but it was dangerous. We both slowly walked on the roof and when we reached the end, there was gate that we could climb up and since nobody was at this dead end no one will notice were there.

We then slowly dangled off the roof and jumped off to a part of the tiny edge that was attached to the wall. It was kind of unusual to have a one foot thingy on my wall.

We then started to dangle off from the edge and jump off. We jumped about 9 feet. It kind of hurt a bit for my feet and. when I landed on my feet my butt fell next. I then looked through the gate and noticed something.

Riley was right. Once you get out of one thing, you will face another. Ugh I hate you Sean. After I get past this, I bet there will be something to block me again. But what?

Slowly Fading Away (Sequel to Your My Everything, Love)Where stories live. Discover now