Chapter 17: Day 1 with You

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Ariana's POV

My eyes were sore and I didn't have the strength to open my eyes. I was laying in someone's arms but, I didn't feel like getting out. But instead I open my eyes to see if I finally left this boat.

My eyes were now slowly opening and the suns beams just hit my face. I covered the sun from me and looked to my right.

I was in Jai's arms. I quickly stood up so I wasn't that close to him. He felt my presence and he sat up while rubbing his eyes.

"Ariana are you ok", Jai asks me. I nod and look at ocean water. It scares me sometimes cuz you don't know what's gonna pop up. And it seemed deep and dark when you try to look into it. I was leaning closer to the ocean until the boat was about to lean as well.

Jai grabs my shoulders and pulls me straight so I wouldn't fall in, including the boat.

I turned around and saw two woman in the corner, and Jai and I on the other. The two woman gave me dirty looks and I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed my purse and took my phone out to try and call Frankie and Luke. But there was no signal. While I was trying to connect my phone, the two woman started to whisper and chuckle.

"Are you making fun of me", I ask rudely to them. I then quickly stuffed my phone back to my purse and looked at them waiting for an answer.

"No sweetie why would you think that", they say with a little chuckle. I roll my eyes.

"Cause I can hear all the shit your talking about from here", I tell her rudely.

"Don't point fingers that is very rude", they tell me and try to calm me down but there still chuckling.

"Your very rude", I tell them. Before I could start to cuss at them Jai covers my mouth with his hand.

I turn to him and raise my eyebrow. He then raises his eyebrow and starts to mock me.

I roll my eyes but, I was still smiling. Idk why he makes me smile. He's not my boyfriend and I have to remember that.

I slowly took off the hand from my mouth and gave him a smile.

"Are you guys dating", one of the woman blurted out. I quickly faced them and Jai did as well.

"No", I quickly say. Why would they even ask that?

"Really, but you guys look really perfect together", one of the woman tells me. I then blush but,I cover my cheeks so Jai won't see.

"Come here sweetie let's have a talk about your love life", the nice woman told me. I nodded and sat right next to her.

"Ok and I'll go right next to that handsome boy", says the woman that started the argument awhile ago and heads to him.

"Sweetie I know who you are and my daughter fan girls over both of you together", she tells me nicely.

"You do", I question her. She nods and I look at my fingers. I knew there was a few jariana fans but, I didn't even know we were gonna talk about it.

"Anyways my daughter feels heartbroken when she sees you with Big Sean but, you don't seem that happy", she tells me.

"I'm always happy with Big Sean", I tell her a little loudly yet rude.

"Ok and we want to know why your with Jai right now and not with Big Sean", she asks me politely.I raise my eyebrow and turn to Jai. He was staring at me again.

"It's a long story", I tell her. She then crosses her legs and turns to me.

"We got time", she tells me. I nod and start to tell her about it.

After I finish talking she was in shock.

"I never knew you had a daughter", she tells me with a smile.

" I do and I have a pic of her", I tell her and grab my purse. I search through my whole purse and find it.

I then show her a pic of my daughter and I. Her eyes then grow wide and turn to a bigger smile. I then smile.

"She looks just like him ", she says and points to him. I smile.

"She even looks like a mini you", she tells me and rubs my cheek. I blush and place the picture back to my purse.

While I was about to close my eyes when the sunset was about to start, a helicopter starts to swirl above us. I look up and see a ladder falling down to us.

It then hits the mean woman's head and I give a little chuckle.

I went on first but, I was rudely punched in the stomach and I fell into the water.

"ARIANA", Jai panics and jumps into the water to grab me.

I was slowly drowning down the ocean until Jai grabs my arm. He pulls me up and then I was then above the ocean he quickly pulled me up the boat and he did as well 2 minutes later.

I felt weak and I didn't want to move. It was so cold and I was so frightened I was gonna die.

I then slowly stood up and went on the ladder. Jai was behind me and we both got on the helicopter 5 minutes later.

"Oh my lord why are you two wet", the driver tells us. I then look at my clothes and Jai's while the woman starts to chuckle. I rolled my eyes and rudely gave her the finger. And then finally she shuts up.

"Well a fat bitch pushed me into the water and I almost died",I tell him and give a glare at the woman that pushed me.

He nods and me and Jai head to a seat. There was only one seat, so I guess I had to sit on Jai's lap. I sat on his lap and then gave him a smile.

I guess we finally can get home. But first we need to get to Melbourne.

"Where are we heading", I ask the pilot politely.

"We're going to Australia", says the pilot. I then smile. Now it's time to get my daughter out of Melbourne and I hope Jai won't take her away.

I feel like have feelings for Jai but, I just have to ignore it cuz I'm in with Big Sean.

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