Chapter 28: Telling Jai

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Ariana's POV

I started thinking of many things on how to handle this. Should I just tell Sean I don't love him? but I don't want to hurt him. even tho I may hurt him by not getting married. ugh.

"Frankie what's the plan", I ask a bit angrily.

"look I got this all handled before you get married", Frankie tells me.

"it better be", I say and cross my arms.

While I sat myself and stared at a spot and didn't blink, my phone buzzes.

It was Sean.

"oh my god", I say in a nervous voice and get off the stool and back away from my phone.

"Please tell me it isn't-"

"It is"

"Ari calm down, just answer it like everything is going fine", Frankie tells me.

"I can't", I said while breathing hard.

Then the phone stopped buzzing and my phone showed a notification that said "missed call".

I was relieved and all of sudden it starts buzzing again.

"Are you kidding me", I say in a little annoyance.

I look to Frankie and his eyes motioned me to answer.

I sigh and answer it.

*convo with Sean*

Ariana: hey

Big Sean: hey my boo.

Ariana: what do you need my boo

Big Sean: I just called to check on you

Ariana: oh well I'm fine

Big Sean: ok boo. oh ya and I'm coming over there tomorrow morning

Ariana: can't wait my boo.

Big Sean: I love you so much

Ariana: ya you too and I'm sorry I really got to go I have to go somewhere really quick.

Big Sean: where do you have to go

Ariana: Frankie is forcing me to go to this place and if I say no he's gonna get really sad so I got to go bye

*end of convo*

I then end it and gently place my phone facing the front onto the counter and smile in relief.

Then Frankie stares at me and give a fake frown at me.

"what", I say.

"You ended it before he said bye"

"I was in a hurry"

"ya to a fake place I'm forcing you to go to", Frankie fires back.

I roll my eyes and give a chuckle.

"oh ya Ariana I'm gonna need to borrow your private jet", Frankie says.

"when and why", I ask.

"today and It'll be morning here when I get there and night time there and I'm going so I can save the love you both cherish", Frankie says quickly.

"ok be careful and I'll call u in the morning", I tell him.

"I will and gotcha", says Frankie.

"I'm gonna get the stuff I need really quick so I'll prob be seeing you before I leave", Frankie continues.

I smile and nod and hurries up the stairs.

While he runs up the stairs I quickly remembered something.

Slowly Fading Away (Sequel to Your My Everything, Love)Where stories live. Discover now