Chapter 35: Hospital

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Ariana's POV

"OH MY GOD NO", Jai yells.

Sean was still alive. He just shot me in the back.

"ARIANA", Jai yells to me and hugs me tight.

"I love you", I tell him slowly and it went black.

Jai's POV

*at the hospital*

I carried Ariana in my arms with tears.

"Don't worry you'll be fine", I tell her in worry.

"Mommy", Ariel cries right beside me looking at her mother bleeding.

" Do you guys got Ricky", I say without looking back.

"Ya", Luke says.

I then go up to the counter.

"Please save her", I tell the woman.

"Don't worry we got this", the woman says and 4 nurses popped up and brought Ariana into the emergency room.

I started to follow but the nurse tells me I have to wait in the waiting room. I sigh and sit next to Luke and Riley. I was in between them.

Ariel then sits on my lap with a really sad face.

"Will mommy be okay", she asks me sadly.

Her heart was broken. Just seeing my baby girl like this breaks my heart. I love them both so much and just seeing them hurt ruins me.

"Yes baby she'll be fine", I tell her and hug her close to me. A tear falls out of the corner of her eye and lays her head on my chest.

I sigh and get a flashback from earlier.


"ARIANA", I yell once Ariana was shot.

No I can't let this happen.

"Don't die on me Ari I'm here for you baby listen to me", I panic to her.

She smiles weakly and places her hand on my face.

"I love you", she says and her eyes close.

"No Ariana you'll be ok and as long as I'm here you'll be ok", I say and hug her tightly.

I couldn't let go of her. I can't let her be like this. I have to take her to the hospital like right now.

"Sean you are stupid as hell", I yell at him and he gives an evil laugh and raises his gun up and trying to figure out his target.

I think he was planning Riley or Ariel since he wants to get Luke pretty angry or me.

But before he can figure out who, three police cars come right on time.

"DROP THE GUN AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP", one of the police yells.

"Take Ariana to the hospital right away and good thing you called", the other police saying holding the gun at Sean.

I then see Sean put his hands up and drops the gun and turns around. I don't think we'll be seeing him anytime soon.

I then start carrying Ariana into the car and place her in the backseat with Riley , Frankie, and Ariel.

"Luke drive", I say in a hurry.

Luke then starts to drive as fast as he could to the hospital and I held Ariana's hand the whole way.

I then look to Riley, Frankie, and Ariel and they were in tears.

"It's ok she'll be fine", I tell them all. The start to nod slowly and sob. I wanted to tear up as well but I wanted to stay strong for Ariana.

She doesn't want me to cry. She wants me to stay strong. I then hold Ari's hand tighter.

"Your my world and I won't let you go", I says and a tear falls out of his eye. I then quickly wipes it and don't look away from Ari.

"Kitten it's ok you don't have to keep crying she will be fine", I tell her.

"I just love mommy so much", she says.

"I do too kitten", I tell her and look at Ariana's face. She was still beautiful.

*flashback over*

"Jai I've been repeating your name for five minutes", Luke tells me.

"Sorry I was just...thinking", I tell him.

"Well sorry to disturb your thinking but I just heard that Sean is in the hospital as well and once he's healed he'll go straight to jail", Luke tells me.

"He better be", I say.

"He will", and Luke sits back down and Riley sat on Luke's lap with tears.

The doctor then comes out of the emergency room and calls out "Related to Grande".

I then hurry to them with Ariel in my arms and everybody behind me.

"We have good news and bad news....", the doctor says.

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