Chapter 1: The day you left me

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* 5 years later*

Ariana's POV

I was on my bed sleeping until Ariel came jumping on my bed like a maniac.

Ugh Ariel go to sleep, I say and look at the time which said 7 am.

But mommy you promise, Ariel says and gives a pouting face.

What was my promise, I say and shove a pillow om my face to cover the light beaming on me.

You said you would take me SHOPPING, Ariel says and continues to jump on the bed and flop her whole body on top of me.

I said we will in the afternoon not now, I say and sit up and look at my daughter. She looks like a mini me and has a little of my ex boyfriend. Whatever he's out of my life, I think to myself.

I start to get a flashback on the day Jai left me.


Jai please you don't understand, I plead.

Ariana, I can't forgive you for this, Jai yells. You were sleeping in bed with Big Sean and you think I wouldn't understand why I shouldn't get mad.

Wtf, I can't believe your getting mad at me, I yell back. You never came back here when my grandfather died.

You said you were ok if I didn't go, Jai yells at me.

I know because you said you couldn't come and you could've at least made an effort or had talked to me while I was in a bad mood, I tell him with tears in my eyes.

I was busy for crying out loud and I didn't have any money to come over there, Jai yells.

You still don't understand do you, I yells.

Even if you didn't you could've comforted me on the phone. You've always been there for me at concerts and surprised me everywhere and I wasn't in a bad mood then. And now you weren't here when I am in a bad mood. It's like your only there when I'm happy now.

I'm always here for you and you don't understand I was on tour, Jai yells at me. I would've talked to you but they didn't let me.

Then how come you have time for twitter, I yell.

That is different I was on break when I go on twitter, Jai tells me.

Yah but you could've called me on break, I says back.

Ariana your being ridiculous, Jai says.

Get out, I yell.

Ari, Jai says but doesn't get to continue what he says cuz I interrupt him.

Get out of my house, I yell.

Fine, Jai yells and walks out of the door. But Ariana your excuses won't prove you didn't do anything wrong. I won't forget and you won't forget what you did today, Jai says and storms out.

I start to cry and hit the wall with my small hands.

*end of flashback*

Mommy, Ariel says.

Mommy, Ariel repeats loudly.

Yes honey, I say and focus on Ariel.

I just told you to answer your phone 5 minutes ago, Ariel says and points at my phone.

Oh thank you honey, I say and look at my missed calls. It was one from Big Sean and Frankie.

I called Sean first.

*call with Sean*

BS: Hey baby.

A: hey. What up?

BS: Just wanted to say that we will be performing in New York soon and sorry I wasn't there this morning I had to leave early for a meeting.

A:it's ok I totally understand. And  really? Do you know the date?

BS: um not sure yet babe but I know it will be this month.

A: ok

BS: well bye babe got to go somewhere

A: ok bye.

BS: Love you

A:you too

BS : k bye

* end of call *

So mommy let's go, Riley pleads. Ok lets go after breakfast I say while heading to the kitchen with Riley holding my hand.

Mommy, Riley questions and looks at my hands.

Yes hun, I ask and look at my daughter who is staring at my hands.

Can I wear nail polish, she says with a smile on her face.

Sure hun, let's go to the spa on Sunday.

Yay thanks mommy, Ariel says and kisses my cheek.

No problem, I say and start cooking some eggs.

I then remember the time Jai wanted to take my daughter with him.


I was on my couch watching Big Brother and eating a gallon of Strawberry ice cream and mascara running down my face. I guess you could say I look horrible even tho I am. I've been crying for a week 24/7.

While I was watching Frankie on tv someone knocks on door. I turn off my tv and open the door.

It was Jai. W-what a-are you doing here?! I came to get my daughter, Jai says and walks in without even asking for permission.

Um your daughter, I say furiously. She's my daughter also and don't you even dare walk into my house.

Ariana my daughter is coming with me and you can't stop me, Jai says and hurries up the stairs.

Oh no you don't, I say and push Jai away from the stairs before he could take a step.

If you think you can come here take my child you better think again cause you don't have a chance to get near my daughter, I scold him and push him towards the door. Jai stops 4 feet away from the door and faces me.

Um you mean our child, Jai says. Oh now you say it's our child. You are so kind, I say with sarcasm.

I push him out the door and he falls on his butt.

Get away from my house and daughter, I yell at him. Jai starts to stand up and takes the dirt off its pants.

Fine but I'll be back to get my daughter, Jai says and drives off in his car. I start to cry and watch him drive off. I slowly start to sit on the floor crying into my hands and regretting myself.

Then I feel a small soft hand touch my shoulder.

Mommy Awiana? Where's daddy?

*end of flashback*

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