Chapter 25: Marriage Disagreement

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Ariana's POV

I woke up in the hotel bed in Sean's arms. It was very cold in the room so tucked myself in the blankets. But Sean took the blankets off of me.

"SEAN", I whined. He then gives a smirk.

"It's time to talk to your family about this baby", Sean tells me and brushes my hair gently.

I sigh.


*hours later*

We were at the house sitting on the couch waiting for my parents, daughter, and brother to quiet down.

When they all got quiet, I raise an eyebrow.

"What", Frankie asks me.

"Facetime Riley so we can finish this", I say.

Frankie knew I was excited to tell him my news so he tried hurrying up. N finally everyone was here.

"Ok honey tell us your news", says my mother. I smile and hold Sean's hand tightly.

"Were getting married", I said in excitement and we both stand up happily. I was jumping and I showed them my ring. But once I had saw there faces, I knew that there will be a problem with this engagement.

Mom's mouth was wide open and she was in complete shock, while my dad was a little mad, shocked, and was gonna do something to protect me. Frankie, Riley, and Ariel...i guess they don't want me to marry him since they route for jariana.

"Um...why the weird faces", I ask them to try stopping them with there reaction.

"I'm happy for you honey but..", my mom says but doesn't continue its sentence.

"But what"

"Mommy! Why are you doing this to me! I thought you loved me.", Ariel says and cries in Frankie's lap.

"I do love you baby girl", I tell my daughter to try cheering her up.

"If u did love me you wouldn't marry him but you are! I'm going back to my daddy where he really loves me", Ariel yells and runs to her room.

"Ariel wait. Come back here", I yell to her but she doesn't come back. I sigh and a tear falls out of my eye.

I turn to Riley and she seemed dissapointed.

"I thought u were gonna do the right thing but I guess not", Riley says.

Before I could ask her what she meant, she ended the call.

"I'll leave you guys alone", says Sean and heads outside.

I watch Sean close the door from behind him and and turn back to my parents and Frankie who are the only people in the room.

"Mom", I say sadly. She looks to me and stands up. She then walks to me and holds my hand.

"I will support you and Sean baby. I love you very much but, I won't love Seaniana", my mother tells me and let's go of my hand.

My dad nods. I'm guessing he agrees with my mom.

"Baby girl, I just want you to make the right choice. But what you think n feel is right...go for it. I just want you to think about this more. This is a very huge situation. You have to be positive if u are committed to marrying him", my dad tells me.

"But I am commited"

"I'm not sure you are", my dad says and leaves the room. My mom mouths "love you" and leaves with my dad.

I sigh. I look to Frankie and he leaves as well.

I guess I have to think about this. But idk if I'm doing to the right thing. Ariel doesn't want me to marry him which will cause her to stay with Jai forever. Will I give up Sean so my daughter and family will be happy? Or will I stay with him for my own happiness and pleasure?

-to be continued-

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. And this is really short but I hope you liked it. Luv yall and I will update soon.

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