7) A Fruit Truck?

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I woke up to the mouthwatering smell of bacon, so lovely it almost seemed to be right under my nose.

"HAHA YOU'RE DROOLING!" An obnoxious voice that only could've belonged to Dylan said. I swiped my hand over my mouth and turned over, groaning. I grabbed the pillow out from underneath me and chucked it at him.

"Ow!" He whined, rubbing his head jokingly. I opened my eyes and stretched, remembering something I shouldn't have forgotten...

"WAIT IS THERE BACON?!" I yelled, because I haven't had a breakfast cooked for me in ages.

"Yes, sleepyhead." He crooned. "Now, if you don't come downstairs in the next five minutes I'll eat everything myself. Including.. the chocolate chip pancakes." He grinned and skipped down the hall.

My mouth hung open. "DYLAN YOU WOULDN'T!" He knew they were my favorite.

"Ohh, but I would." He called and I could hear the smile in his voice.

I walked over to my dresser, my beautiful dresser, and looked in the mirror. My long blonde hair was a rat's nest atop my head because it must've fell out of the messy bun I'd put it in. I looked at myself a little longer, picking out some other flaws.

"Ugh." I sighed. The beginning of a pimple sprouted up over night right on my hair line above my ear. "AND THERE GOES THE FIRST PANCAKE..." He yelled with a funny accent.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't eat anymoreeeeee!" I lept down the steps and sprinted to the kitchen.

Whoa. I looked at the table, which was perfectly set, pancakes and bacon on two plates. Milk and orange juice were in the middle of the table next to fresh blueberries and the radio was playing to my favorite station, country.

"You're catching flies," he said while pouring maple syrup on his stack of steaming pancakes.

"This is awesome! How long have you been up?!" I sat down excitedly already putting food on my plate.

Dylan counted on his fingers. "Er... since eight?"

I rolled my eyes and stuffed my face.

"Buuut, since I did all this youcanunpackeverythingright?" He said quickly.

"Fine, but just cause you made me pancakes." I pointed at him with my pinky, the rest of my fingers gripping a forkful of warm chocolate chip goodness.

"Wha are your plams fir today?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Now, Scarlett Anne Murry." He mimicked my horrid old grandmother. "A lady does not speak with food in her mouth, when will you eva learn?" I snorted. We both equally despised the woman, the one who separated us both in the first place.

"No, but actually I have to go food shopping and pick up some stuff." He said. "Canyouunpackeverythingplease?"

I groaned.

"Fine, but I have to look for a job today. If I don't start sending money home like I promised she'll drag my butt back to that awful town." I shuddered and cleaned up my plate.


About two and a half hours later I finished unpacking and putting all of our things away. All the food and silverware was neat in its place in the kitchen. My clothes and other things were spread out around my newly decorated room, and Dylan's were in his as well.

I pulled on some light jean shorts and an old red Coca-Cola top. I paired that with my worn out teal chucks, threw my hair up in a ponytail and put on some sunglasses. I put some magic makeup over my new blemish (A/N it actually exists its by neutrogena and it covers blemishes and has medicine in it to clean it.. yeah.) and ran downstairs.

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