17) Twenty Questions

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"Okay, you go first." Luke grinned and clapped his hands together. We had decided instead of him asking me twenty questions, then I would ask him twenty questions, we would go back and forth.

"Whatever," I gave in, sighing. Some light coming from a crack in the curtain shone down on the coffee table, revealing the dust particles floating in the air. I tried to focus on each little speck, but they disappeared after floating into the shadows. It looked like a nice day outside, we really shouldn't be inside like this every day. We are literally minutes from the beach. "Favorite... color?"

"LAME!" He announced and I glared at him.

"Just answer this question, doof." I tried to be serious but laughed.

"Blue, I guess."

"How about your favorite color?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Blue, as well." I answered immediately. I love blue. Doesn't really matter what shade, but I think my favorite would be the dark blue like the sky before a storm.

"Er... favorite song?" I asked next.

"Don't Stop by Five Sauce!" He yelled.

(A/N ^^^ Just kidding!! Sadly, five sauce doesn't exist in this book because it'd be weird... sorry)

"Teenagers by My Chemical Romance." He nodded shyly. The boy has good taste in music, what can I say.

"Hmmm, uh, favorite band?" He said with difficulty.

"That's hard. I don't really have a favorite cause I feel like that wouldn't be fair to the rest of the bands I like. That and I can't really choose. It's stupid."

Luke pushed out his bottom lip and shook his head in disagreement. "That's not stupid, it's pretty cool."

I smiled shyly at the compliment and felt a blush slowly creep onto my face. Stop it, Scarlett.

"Kay, next question." I hurried him and my smile vanished.

"What's the deal with Jason?" He spoke suddenly.

Hmm, I was hoping this wouldn't come up.

"Um, well..." I laughed nervously. "In eighth grade he sort of had this crush on me and when he told me, I was kind of a jerk to him."

"Why?" He looked genuinely interested.

"Ah, ah, ah. My turn to ask a question." I teased him.

"But you didn't even answer that one fully!" Luke laughed and held his hands up.

I threw a throw pillow at him and he froze. Emotion erased itself from his face and he turned his head to look at me.

"I'm gonna get you, Murry!" He jumped up and tickled my side.

I laughed loudly and held my stomach. "Stop!" I gasped. "Stop! I'll answer!"

"Good." He replief and patted my head before sitting back down.

"Okay, so I was a jerk to him because I figured if I like, 'went out' with him he'd end up hating me anyway. So it's better for him to not like me for something I choose to be, then for who I really am. He has always been this rude though. But he used to be really nice to me."

He muttered something unconvincing under his breath and I fidgeted. "Get it?" I asked.

He grinned and his eyes twinkled as he looked at me. "I'd like you any way you were, Scarlett."

A pang hit my stomach and I swallowed the lump in my throat. That doesn't mean anything, right? But by his pink-tipped ears and the smile that wouldn't remove itself from my face, I think I was wrong.

About ten silly questions later, he started getting into personal stuff. And this is why I don't like this game.

"What are your nightmares about?" He asked with a curious look plastered on his face. I can honestly say I wasn't expecting that. I felt my blood boil and I wanted to snap at him, but I agreed to play the game so that's what I would do. Besides, since he asked me this I wouldn't feel guilty bringing up "Annie".

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Please, don't laugh." I begged and began to picture scenes from every nightmare I've had.

Luke agreed and grabbed my hand, but I pulled it away sharply and thankfully my eyes were closed so I couldn't see his reaction. "They all started that day you saved me. Before then, I'd dream about my dad, but now there's a woman. She has long dark hair and bright green eyes. She's always in a white gown, so white it blends in with her pale skin. There's always chanting going on, and I can't move or talk or shut my eyes. I'm forced to stay there in the dark, with their whispers all around me and her face inches from mine. Sometimes it's "Never feel love, never feel love." and sometimes it's something to do with a clock tower."

When I finally opened my eyes, Luke looked anxiously at me. Like there was somewhere he needed to be, or more like anywhere but here.

I decided on telling him about the nightmare I had, the one where he died, merely to break the silence and tension.

"But, I also had one about you. You were, you were hurt. And it was because of me. It was because I didn't go to the clock tower. And she killed you. That's why I was so angry the other night. I was scared." I admitted, knowing this all got way too deep for a simple game of twenty questions.

I didn't go into too much detail because I didn't want to relive it all, and if I were him I probably wouldn't want to hear about my own tombstone.

His fingers started twitching, which was something I'd never seen him do before. He wouldn't look at me and I was beginning to get annoyed, or frightened, or embarrassed. He's going to laugh, Scarlett. Her words taunted. You look crazy!

"Can you just freaking say something, Luke?" I said louder than I meant to. It wasn't all that intimidating though, because you could hear the worry and regret wavering through my words.

There was something in the air. A mood change, maybe. Whatever it was, I knew that something was going to happen, and it wouldn't be good. I pursed my lips, trying to hide the uneasiness I was feeling.

"I've dreamt about her, too." He sighed, his eyes holding a tired glaze over them. His voice was oozing with the one thing I last expected: horror. "Except, you were the one she was hurting."


Hey look, a filler! *points to chapter above*

I'm sorry this is short and stupid, but a lot of stuff is gonna happen next chapter and it didn't seem right to stuff that into this one.

Is this going too slow? Is it boring? How can I make it better?

Please, I'd really appreciate feedback!

Also, thanks so much for 778 reads and 38 votes! You're the best

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