13) He Calls Me Darlin'

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"Wow." I said, dumbfounded. "I don't know what to say. Except that I'm sorry and now that I know you I will never, ever let anything happen to you. As long as I'm with you, I'll do anything to protect you. You are safe with me, Scarlett Murry."

Scarlett's POV

His words warmed my heart and I felt the urge to wrap my arms around his neck and stay like that forever. But he was lying.

I so wanted to believe what he said, that he'd protect me, that I were safe with him. Only that would never happen.

Scarlett Anne Murry would always have troubles, and nobody could stop that. I would always be alone.

I nodded and faked a smile; he looked a bit suspicious but didn't say anything.

"Listen, I just wanna say that I'm really sorry about before. I should've stood up for you and I shouldn't have acted that way especially because you-"

"Stop." I snapped. "I don't need your pity."

"Either way, can we put it in the past? Because honestly, pretending to hate you all the time is pretty tiring." He held a straight face as he spoke, and I took it that this meant a lot to him.

"Yes, just don't try to kiss me or anything." I teased and Luke broke a smile.

"I'll try to contain myself, Scarlett Murry." His words sent my stomach dropping, like on a rollercoaster. Why did I feel like that? Over something stupid he said? I prayed that Luke couldn't see right through me.

"It's-it's just so... so..." I trailed off. "Never mind."

"What? No, go on."

"It's crazy how much I... trust you. I've never trusted anyone, but Dylan of course, and over the years we've been apart I've just... I've forgotten what it felt like."

Luke brought his lips together in a sort of benevolent way. Every action of his I watched carefully, mesmerized by him. It was an odd feeling I had around him. I couldn't tell whether it was because I trusted him or because I was nervous or whatever, but it seemed like with each passing minute a piece of the jagged patchwork quilt I call a life was restored. Well, maybe not restored, more like eased.

"Where did Dylan go?" I asked Luke from his bed, which I was now laying on.

"Went for a drive," he answered simply. We are definitely gonna have a lot to talk about when he came back. A small part of me wanted to call him up and apologize and make sure he was safe and the other part never wanted to see him again.

A drive? At eleven at night?

I could only imagine what kind of dreams were waiting for me tonight after what happened. We still hadn't eaten dinner, and I was okay with that.

Luke yawned and stood up. "Um, Luke?" I said suddenly. "I, um. It's just.. could I.."

He raised an eyebrow.

"CouldImaybestayinyourroomtonight?" I breathed out quickly.

He shook his head and smiled sadly. "Sure."

I walked slowly to my room and tugged on some footie pajamas with little ducks on them. I threw my pillow and blanket on the floor and sighed.

"What are you doing?" Luke said, hanging upside off the edge of his bed.

I yawned and pulled the quilt up to my chin. "Going to sleep, doofus. What does it look like?"

He chuckled and I opened my eyes to look at him. "I'm sleepin on the floor, darlin." My stomach did a back flip when he called me that. What? Stop it.

I smiled and folded the pillow so that it covered both ears. I didn't hear anything so I must've won.


I felt Luke's arms pick me up bridal style and flop me onto his bed. "I'm taking the floor."

"N-no you're not." I stuttered as he laid down on the carpet next to the bed. "C'mon Luke, I feel bad."

He shrugged and kept his eyes closed.

There was no way I was winning so I stayed there.

"Whatever, good night Lukey Pukey." I teased.

"Good night, Scar de har har."

I smiled at his lame nickname and curled into a ball.


I was running quickly through the woods. "Get to the clock tower. Get to the clock tower." The words chanted through my head. Someone was chasing me, and I needed to get away from them fast.

I flung open the door on the side of the clock tower, and ran up the stairs counting each one.

"James?" I called. "James I know you're here!" Who was James?

"I am here," a low voice growled from behind a bench near the insides of the clock. "But you'll regret that."

All of a sudden, everything changed. I was in the dark and couldn't move. "Scarlett?" Luke's voice strained. "SCARLETT?" He sounded louder and it became more clear that he was in pain.

I needed to find him. This was my fault. I looked around frantically but could only see pitch black. "Luke!" I tried to scream, but nothing came out. "Lucas!?"

"She's not coming." The words escaped my lips. "She didn't care about you."

What?! That was not me!

"Scarlett," He whispered sadly. "I'll protect you."

It became light again and images flashed before me, Luke's smiling, happy face. One of him staring at me as we walked to the diner. One of him comforting me as I told him everything.

Then one of him lying in a pool of blood. On the clock tower floor. His beautiful face now cut up and bruised. One of him in a casket. Then, a headstone with the engraving:




A scream tumbled past my lips as words echoed around me.

"All your fault, all your fault, all your fault."

I shook my head over and over, clutching my ears. No!

"NO! NOOOO!" I shrieked.

She grinned and looked pleased with herself.

"Yes," she said and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "If you don't come to the clock tower."

I woke up with a jolt as, usual. I didn't even bother to wipe my tears and sweat away, or tell a very worried Luke sitting next to me to go back to sleep. All I kept thinking was I need to find that clock tower.


Here's a short one! I don't like it but *shrugs* I've started a new story called "Removal Day", so check it out.

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