10) The Clock Tower

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The nightmare was different this time.

Their whispers were something inhuman, not sounding of any language or of any noise a person could make. I strained my ears to hear what they were saying. I knew it was about me. It always was.

"WHAT?!" Her now familiar voice shrieked. I shivered and waited for her to come to me as she always did.

"She loves him, doesn't she?" She said with disgust. "I'll take care of that." A cold wind blew towards me, and there she was. The dark haired woman who now took over my dreams, replacing my father.

"If you want things to go back to normal, meet me at the clock tower." She smiled sickly, and I felt bile rise. Back to normal? "But don't bring him." Him? Dylan?

"How? What clock tower? Maybe I don't want to." I said smoothly.

"You'll come. Or you'll turn out just like your mother, and her mother, and so on.." She laughed like it was nothing. Like it was something everyone knew.

"My mother? You know her? What?" I asked.

"Oh, do I know her?" She began laughing hysterically. "Not only do I know her, honey. She knows me very well."

Wait... I've never been able to speak to her in these dreams before. "HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE! DYLAN!" I tried.

"One of you shut her up, please." She ordered in annoyance. And then the straight jacket was on me again.

"You'll know." An image of a countryside flashed before my eyes and I couldn't look away. One of those 'Welcome To _____' signs was coming up on my right. As it came closer, I squinted my eyes to look at it, but instead everything went pitch black. "And if you don't, there will be a large consequence. You have no idea what I'm capable of."

I gasped and laid there frozen, unmoving, paralyzed.

My breaths were short and stuck, lodging halfway in my throat and causing me to hyperventilte. Noises were swimming through my ears, similar to the white noise of a fuzzy television screen, and I blinked my eyes in an attempt to see my surroundings.

"Hey!" A voice called through the rushing of the water all around me.

I shook my head furiously and covered my ears trying to block out their imperceptible whispers that were driving me to point of insanity. It's not like I didn't know what was going on, this has happened so many times before.

That didn't make the situation any less scary, though. I still felt like I was drowning and dying of thirst at the same time. Spots swam in front of my face and even when I clenched them shut, it didn't make a difference.

"Scarlett, listen! I'm here!" The voice without an owner tried to get through to me, grasping and clawing at me mentally but the slippery fingers couldn't grab hold of anything, much like myself, and yet I couldn't break out of the state I was in.

All of a sudden, with such abrupt impact that it almost hurt, I heard singing.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you," the distant, flowing voice sang. "Cause I know that you feel me somehow."


"Shut up!" I squealed and threw a French fry at the boy in front of me. "Luke, c'mon this is my favorite song."

"Fine," he sighed. I grinned like the dork I am and closed my eyes, sharpening my other senses in order to absorb the song. To inhale the song and let it flow through my blood and veins till it reaches my fingertips.

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