18) There's Gotta Be a Reason

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" I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

- Marilyn Monroe

Luke's previous words were hanging in the air. I didn't believe them, and by the look on his face he didn't believe them either. I just confessed my biggest, most embarrassing fear with a boy I hardly knew. Was this some sick sort of way for him to try and become friends? By trying to relate to me?

I was speechless, because what am I supposed to say to something like that?

"I've only dreamt it a few times," Luke broke the silence. "But it was terrible."

I cleared my throat. How was I even supposed to respond?

"Is this some kind of joke?" I asked quietly.


"Do you think this is funny? Are you making fun of me or something?" I demanded, angry now. I had a feeling things were going to turn and I wasn't exactly ready for that.

"Are you serious? Scarlett, why would I do that?" Luke looked offended and the pain that lingered in his eyes from when I first met him made a reappearance, but I knew that it was not from something I'd done. "Honestly, I would never. I'm just as surprised as you. I don't know, maybe she isn't the same person and it's just some kind of coincidence. There was never a clock tower in my dreams, only her and you and... and..."

My bottom lip flew into my mouth and I bit down. "And?" I breathed.

"And she's hurting you and my little sister," He replied finally. "Annie."

I sat in silence, not knowing what to say or do so I let him go on however he wanted.

"She's sick, Scarlett. Very sick." Luke continued and the sadness in his eyes was completely visible. I think i finally found its source. He cracked his knuckles and continued. "She's got kidney failure, and she's always going in and out of dialysis treatment. I hardly see her anymore since we moved here to Jersey to see my dad. My parents are divorced and he wanted to have Annie with him, plus there was a good center she could go to real close to here. So instead of just her moving, we all did. I've been calling her everyday. But now he always wants her around, and I never get to see her, and... I'm her big brother, Scarlett. I should be able to protect her. She's only 5."

Luke's eyes were red and glassy and a tear ran along the side of his nose. I had to admit, I was very close to bawling my eyes out myself. "Luke, I'm-I'm so sorry."

He propped his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands, and only if you looked very, very closely could you see his body shaking. I heard a small whimper from across me where Luke was hunched over in a ball. I couldn't stand this.

I leaped up and climbed over the table, sat down next to him on the couch, and took him in my arms. He relaxed against my shoulder and Luke covered his face, probably so I wouldn't see him cry although I didn't mind. A small shiver spread throughout me, but I ignored it.

"Hey," I cooed. "It's alright." My fingers went up to his forehead and brushed the hair that fell out of its quiff back. He still wouldn't uncover his eyes and he brought his legs up onto the couch, leaning against me.

"Is that how you know how to deal with my panic attacks?" I asked softly.

He nodded grimly. "She would sometimes get them before going to treatment and I'd sing her "Sweet Caroline", that was her favorite. Annie was always so scared going into the hospitals and care centers. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't."

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