8) Just A Little Bit Out Of My Limit

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Luke's POV

It was only the first day of vacation and already I was lonely. The "friends" I'd made in school were all at football camp and I was stuck here, in my apartment.

I got up off of the couch, and walked down the hallway. Where has she been? I haven't seen her in a while. I thought.

Pacing back and forth in front of her door, I considered what the outcome would be and left. Instead, I pressed the button that turned on my phone and answered the fifth text I've received from her. I thought I'd told her to leave me alone?

Rebecca: heyyyy Lukey. Whatcha doin today?

Me: nothing. Probably staying home.

Rebecca: why don't we hang out it'll be fun ;) especially with a guy like you

Me: idk.

How do you tell someone nicely that you aren't interested in them? Hmmm.

Me: listen um, I'm absolutely not interested in you at all and you have a boyfriend. How did you even get my number?

I was done with this sl- oppy joe and I decided to go for a walk outside.

I sat down at a park bench and breathed in deeply. Am I really going to let her affect my summer vacation? I needed to go away, needed to get her off my mind.

Scarlett's POV

"Come on, Scarlett! Just up to your knees!" Dylan begged me to go in the ocean. "You'll be fine!"

I had never been swimming, let alone the in ocean and I was terrified of being sucked out to sea by an undertow. The hot sand squished between my toes and I contemplated my options.
Stay here, suntan. Sunburn.
Go out, eaten by sharks.

"Nope!" I sat down under the beach umbrella and turned around to pick up a magazine from my pile. We were just about the only people on the beach which as nice. Suddenly, a pair of toned arms lifted me up by my waist and I was thrown over their shoulders. Too late for me to fight back now.

I sighed and heard the rushing of a big wave behind me. I was set down lightly onto damp, firm sand a foot from seawater. I laughed as a wave washed over my legs. Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

Luke's POV

Why am I even here? I thought.

I had no friends with me and I was just walking on the boardwalk by myself. I knew I had to get out of that town, and the beach seemed to be calling me to it. So why not?

I saw long, tangled, blonde hair and my heart sped up. But the girl turned around and her nose was far too big, and her eyes the wrong color. Stop.

I couldn't figure out what to do. It was too late to go swimming and I hadn't gotten a motel yet, there wasn't much to do on the boardwalk alone, and I'd already eaten dinner.

I heard a familiar laugh from behind me as a bell that signaled a winner in one of the games rang. Stop it. She's not here. I told myself. I was going crazy over her. I turned around to leave and bumped into a tall guy around my age holding out a teddy bear in victory. But the girl who he had his arm around was the one who made me freeze.

"I-I didn't know y-you were here." I stuttered. I narrowed my eyes at the guy, who was shorter than I was with dark hair.

"I just can't ever get away from you can I?!" She yelled. "I drive hours away and was perfectly happy not knowing anybody and YOU STILL CAME." She backed away from me, and her face was pink.

"What do you not get about stay away?" And even though her voice was quiet, it was packed in with the same anger as any yell would've had. She stomped away and ran down the wooden steps.

"Scarlett, wait!" The boy called frustratingly.

"And who are you?" I questioned. Even though she drove me nuts I felt jealousy growing inside me.

"Maybe I should be asking you the same question." He spat, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm an old friend, now I'm gonna go check on her. Because I care." I spun around to go where she turned the corner, but a hand grabbed the back of my shirt making me face him.

"I don't care WHO you are. But obviously you can't take a hint." He growled. "Don't you think you've done enough already?"

Okay. Ouch. "Look. I'm gonna leave, okay? But tell Scarlett I was going to go after her." I didn't just mean this time either.

(Imagine Out of my limit playing in the background)

He let go of my shirt and patted my shoulder, hard and unfriendly. I watched him as he walked away and instead of going off the boardwalk, he walked into a store. I shook my head and walked towards the stairs that led to the beach and began sulking through the sand. The noise and flashing lights of the boardwalk were left behind me, fading with each step.

"What are you doing here?" Something hissed from under the pier. I must've jumped back ten feet, cussing along the way. I heard a giggle that was soon muffled by a cough.

"What?" I squinted my eyes, still adjusting to the darkness. "Scar? Is that you?" The figure sniffled and crawled out.

"Don't call me that." She said without emotion.

"What were you doing down there?" I asked curiously. I saw her go down the opposite steps..

"I crawled under, goofball." She joked. Her eyes were red and puffy.

(You're just a little bit out of my limit)

"Are you okay?" I stammered. I couldn't stand it thinking I made her cry. "I just want you to know, before I go, that I don't know what happened before." I paused. "But I am really tired of you hating me, especially when I'm not in the wrong. So if we can just be civil..." My last words were hanging in the air. I've been waiting for this. What would her answer be?
(and in my mind now I've gone over this a thousand times)

"You don't have to leave. It was stupid of me to say that. You can vacation wherever you want." She said. It was funny, I realized she had the same color eyes as the guy she was with.
(But it's almost over...)

"Let's start over." We said at the same time.


I'M SO SORRY IT'S SHORT I'M UPDATING SOON. THANKS FOR 150 reads it means a lot. Give me feedback, comment, like, vote! Love you!

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