5) What Time Is It? Summertime!

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Scarlett's POV
It has been three months since I've talked to Luke, and summer vacation begins in two hours. After what happened that day after the diner, we've avoided each other like the plague. He changed his seat in creative writing, and I stayed to my side of the apartment. Luke gave me such the cold shoulder, that you would've thought I was the Russia to USA. As if the dirty looks he'd sent my way weren't enough to put me off, Jason went around telling everyone that I tried to kiss him and he backed away. Of course, though, Luke's new stupid jock friends only added fuel to the rumor wildfire. But, funny, Luke had done nothing inprettiest protest. He simply wasn't who I thought he was.

Since then, I've had no friends. Rebecca stopped talking to me altogether, and I couldn't blame her. Something was wrong with me. She let me know that I was a dork and "An ugly little wannabe whose own father didn't even wanna be around her" by coming over at lunch one day with a posse of populars and a carton of expired milk to dump on my head. She stopped coming over and stopped texting me. Honestly, I didn't feel any different about her being gone because the only reason we were friends was because we had always been. Our moms worked together at the bank when we were little and we would play together after school. We stayed together after that, but it was obvious we were growing up and with that, growing apart. It wasn't much of a loss on my part.

I watched the clock tick down to the end of my class til lunch. This felt just like a scene in high school musical, except for the fact that I didn't have a group of happy friends.

The bell rang and I left the class that I wasn't paying attention to anyway. I walked into the large cafeteria and passed groups of friends. One table had the jocks, laughing and throwing meatball back and forth. The next table held the divas and drama queens, gossiping and whispering, and so on until I came to my table in the corner. The other, as I called it. Full of misfits that didn't belong at any certain table, including myself, and we mostly sat a few seats apart keeping to ourselves.

I ate my chicken Caesar wrap in silence, telling myself "Just awhile longer, then you can spend your summer with Dylan."

I was actually having an okay day.

I got up to get myself a water bottle, and had to pass Luke's table on my way there. After our little argument, he seemed to have taken to some football players who were athletic and prestigious enough to be popular, but played the wrong position and therefore were pushed to the side. I'd never really spoken to them, but I heard they were nice. Then again, everyone who wasn't Jordan Walsh could be considered nice.

Don't look at him, don't look at him, don't look at him. I whispered internally. I ignored myself and looked at his table and, luckily, he wasn't there. Wait...

Where was he? Stop, Scarlett. You don't care.

I walked and got in line behind everyone else, which was a very long line by the way. Figuring it would awhile, I put in my ear buds and turned on my outdated iPod. Swiping down through the long list of artists until I found my favorite, I slowly made my way up the line. Someone poked my back. "Rebecca, leave me alone." I mumbled without looking up. Lately, she and her new "friends" have thought it funny to annoy me out of my mind.  Another poke. I tugged my earbuds out, having had enough already.

"Listen here idiots, I've just about had it with... " I stopped when I realized I wasn't talking to a short, bouncy, bottle-blonde. Instead, it was a tall, lanky, annoying, blonde.

"You, uh, have to move up." Luke said quietly, staring at his shoes. I groaned and stomped away cursing bottled water under my breath. Just another hour, Scar.

I took my tray and threw the rest of my food out, suddenly losing my appetite. If I make it through this hour, I have a whole three months away from these monkeys. Just me, and the only family that loves me at the beach. I smiled thinking about it.
I'll be happy.


The last bell finally rang, and I found myself running through the door, and down the hallway.

"GOODBYE LOSERS!" I yelled. I pulled everything out of my locker hastily, and shoved them into my backpack.

I was filled with happiness, knowing that I'd be getting away from this hell hole for a whole three months. Once I was outside, I dashed over to a tree beside the curb and pulled out my skateboard. I put some shades on, topping off my outfit which consisted of black converse, a gray ATL singlet, and acid washed shorts.

I flew my way home and felt a weight lift off my shoulders the further I got.

My bags were already packed, and Dylan was waiting for me outside once I'd reached my apartment.

This summer is gonna be perfect. Starting now. I thought as I carried my last remaining bag of clothes down to his car, and closed the trunk to his old convertible.

"Let's go!" I laughed and turned up the country music. Yes, country. But only in the summer, that's my rule.

We zoomed out of this dusty old town and I lifted my hands in their air. With the wind in my hair, and the sun shining, the moment was just right so I started singing along.

(Imagine Pontoon by Little Big Town playing)

"Who said anything about skiin'?
Floatin' is all I wanna do
You can climb the ladder
Just don't rock the boat while I barbeque"

I smiled at Dylan, who was tapping the steering wheel to the beat. We both sang to the refrain.

"On the pontoon
Makin' waves and catchin' rays up on the roof
Jumpin' out the back, don't act like you don't want to
Party in slow motion
Out here in the open

And that is how the rest of the day went. Perfect.


That didn't last very long, huh? What can I say I love writing :) this one is a bit of a filler but I like it. I have great plans for this book, I hope you all enjoy.

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