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You took in deep breath as you dialed Peggy's number into the phone.

You honestly didn't want to talk to her, not after all the things you learned about her. But you knew it had to be done.

You held your breath, waiting for Peggy to pick up. Everyone else in the room was quiet as well.

Heat was still kneeling next to you, holding the ice pack to your leg, then switching to the other one. Killer had brought all the food in and Wire was eating quietly. While Kid was just glaring at you, you knew it was his resting face but it kind of freaked you out. Of course a small giggle left your lips when Killer hit him over the head telling him to 'knock it off.'

"Hello? (Y/N) dear is everything alright?" Peggy answered, you could hear music playing in the background and people talking.

"No everything is not alright."

"Did the raccoons come back? Oh just call Jerry and tell him to bill me." Peggy said as she started to make casual conversation.

"That's not the problem." You stopped her before she could go onto a long tangent about some lifeguard's dairy air.

"Oh is it your new roommates? Are they causing trouble? I knew it wasn't a good idea to rent to such delinquent looking guys."

"My roommates are good. The demon that used to live in the shed isn't though." You grumbled into the phone.

"The- oh no."

"Oh no is right. How do we get rid of it? Or can we just leave?" You were trying to make yourself sound calm even though you were pissed.

"No you can't leave it would just follow you. Believe me I tried. And you can't get rid of it." Peggy sighed she paused for a minute and took what sounded like a sip from a drink.

"What do you mean we can't get rid of it? Didn't  you get rid of it?" You asked your brows were furrowed as you looked over at Heat. The male just shrugged his shoulders also confused from what he was hearing.

"I don't have the ability to get rid of a demon. You'd have to get priest or psychic to do that. I simply trapped it." Peggy explained.

"So you couldn't get rid of it but you could summon it to kill a little boy?" At this point you didn't care if you were nice or not.

"How did-"

"A friend."

"I see. Look I didn't mean for that happen to that poor boy. I thought he was asleep in the house, safe. Plus I thought I would be able to contain the demon in the ritual circle." Peggy explained like it would make everything better.

"Well obviously you didn't think, otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess." You raised your voice a bit, you noticed a satisfied smirk on Heat's face. He obviously liked you tearing someone a new one.

"I know my dear... I was a young, dumb teenager trying to impress my friends."

"You were rich, still are. Isn't that impressive enough." Your tone was sarcastic like you were talking to someone that annoyed you. Which Peggy did.

It frustrated you because you used to love talking to Peggy, now you just wanted to hang up the phone.

"Your right. Anyways I have the ritual to trap the demon I my notebook. I'll go back to my hotel room and email you the instructions." Peggy sighed, she sounded exhausted. Which was no surprise in her advanced years.

"Alright sounds good.  Oh and Peggy once ths is all over I'm moving."

"I-I understand." And with that you hung up the call.

"Well?" Kid asked, he hand been staring at you throughout the while phone call. He hadn't even touched his food.

"Well we can't get rid of it, but we can trap it. Peggy is gonna email me the instructions." You said as you ran your fingers through your hair. You had just gotten up, but already you wanted to go back to bed.

"Then I guess all we can do is wait." Heat sighed, he removed the ice pack from your leg and pressed a gentle kiss to it.

"Yeah but not here." Killer whispered he pointed towards the ceiling.

All of you looked up, not seeing anything but you all heard it. Footsteps on the floor above you guys, they sounded heavy and rushed.

"We can all go to my workplace, I work my shifts alone and not a lot of people come in." You suggested, your shift didn't start until later but your coworker wouldn't mind if you relieved them of their shift early. They liked making out with their girlfriend more then working.  Plus you were nice enough to keep them clocked in until their shift actually ended.

"Sounds good to me. Should I grab your camera or..." Heat listened as the footsteps started to get lighter.

"I don't need it and I have a change of clothes at work." You replied, even if the stomping was gone that didn't mean the demon was.

"Cool then let's go." Wire stood up from his chair.

"Don't you want to change buddy?" Killer asked as he took in Wire's pajama covered appearance.

"Nope I'm good."

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now