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You woke up bright and early the next day. You went into the bathroom across the hall from your room and started getting ready.

The castle was quiet, the only sound being the water running from your shower and the rain outside.

You weren't suprised though, it was early enough that you were sure your roommates weren't awake. And even if they were, you wouldn't be able to hear them though the thick walls of the castle.

Once you were done your shower you wrapped yourself up in white fuzzy towel and went back to your room to get dressed. Big mistake, you should gave broth your clothes in the bathroom with you to get dressed.

As soon as you hand stepped foot into the hallway way, Heat had left his room at the same time.

Now the two of you stood frozen, both your cheeks a little rosy, yours more so then Heat's.

You noticed Heat given your body a once over, his eyes focusing on your legs for a bit. He took a noticeable gulp before looking back up at you.

"Sorry... I ah-"

"No, no... I'm just used to being by myself here that I forgot to bring some clothes with me." You cut the handsome man off.


The only thing that was heard was the rain outside while the two of you continued to stare at each other. Heat trying his best not to gaze down at your legs.

"Well... umm I'm gonna go-" you awkwardly pointed at your room and shuffled inside. You shut your door tightly behind you and leaned against it as you tried to calm your beating heart down.

After awhile you ventured into your closet to put something on.

You decided to wear a knitted forest green turtleneck sweater with a pair of black ripped jeans. You put on some black converse and decided you were ready for work.

No one ever said you had to look professional just put together.

You cleaned your glasses as you made your way down the many stairs, heading towards the kitchen so you could make yourself a cup of coffee. You'd get something proper to eat on your way to work.

When you entered the kitchen you found that the coffe pot was already full. Confused you looked around until you spotted Heat rummaging through the pantry.

"U- umm-"

"Oh hey there you're dressed." Heat stated as he turned around at the sound of your voice.

"Y-yeah I'm dressed..." you paused for a second suddenly feeling embarrassed for some reason.

"Well that's.... good. Are you off to work?" Heat asked you as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah. I was wondering if I could have some if this coffee you made?" You pointed over to the pot.

"Go for it."

You happily grabbed your to go might and filled it up. Adding some cinnamon to it.

"Thanks. I'll see you guys later." You headed out the door while grabbing a red umbrella along the way.

~Le Time Skip ~

"No, sir. We do not take risque  photos here." You side for the tenth time as you tried to explain to the man on the other side of the phone, that you would not take nude photos of him and his wife. Nor would your employer allow it.

The man let out an irritated huffed before hanging up the phone. You were glad that was over.

The bell over the door let out a little chime as a customer came in.

"Hello, welcome to Photo Worl-" you paused when you saw that it was Kid standing in the entry way. Soaking wet from the rain. "Oh, hey Kid."

"I need on ID photo." Kid went straight to the point.

"Okay. But do you want to do it like that," you asked as you looked him up and down. He was starting to create a puddle on the floor.

"You have a towel?" Kid asked you, you just shook your head no.

"This a photo shop not a towel store." You pointed out. "But since it's just a picture of your head I think you'll be fine."

Kid's hair that was usually spiked up was now soaked and sticking to the sides of his head. That wouldn't be a problem seeing as his usual scowl was still on his face making him identifiable.

"Yeah I don't think my boss cares that much as long as I have one." Kid said as he followed over to the camera. You instructed him on how to look at the camera.

"You're working at the mechanic shop on main street, right?" You asked the red head as you snapped the photo. You looked down at the screen of the camera to make sure he looked alright.

"Yep. My boss, Jerry, is a weird guy." Kid huffed out.

"He always has been."

"Hmm. Heat likes you by the way." Kid blurted out. You stopped what you were doing and looked at him shocked.

A smirk plastered itself on Kid's face as he handed you some money and left.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now