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"This sure is a lot of food," Butch the grocer commented as he bagged all your food.

"It's for a celebration... well not a celebration really. My new roommates are moving in today so I figured I'd cook them some supper." You pushed up your dark rimmed glasses as you talked with the middle aged grocer.

"Well it's certainly something to celebrate, you've been alone in that place for a year now." Butch put the last of your food into one of the reusable bags you brought. "That'll be $115.99."

You dug around in your wallet for the exact amount, when you couldn't find the $5.00 bill you needed you pulled out your debit card instead. "I don't get the place is nice. You think other people would want to live in the castle as well."

"It's just not for everyone," Butch sighed out he ran his hand through what little red hair he had left on top of his head. Seemed he was done talking.

"Have a nice day," you mumbled out now feeling awkward. You grabbed your bags and headed out to your car.

That's how it always went; you ask why people in town didn't want to live in the castle that was halfway up the mountain and they got all quiet on you. The conversation done as fast as it started.

Hell your landlady, Peggy, wouldn't even tell you why no one wanted to live in the castle. She wouldn't even tell you why she didn't want to live there.

Not that you were complaining about having a castle all to yourself, you just wanted to know why no one else would live there. You couldn't even come up with a reason for people not to live there: the rent was good, the castle was well maintained, the place had the best views around, and in your opinion it was nice having zero neighbors.

Your thoughts wondered as you took the road out of town and towards the mountains. It was only a 15 minute drive to the mountains and another 10 minutes on the dirt path that led up to the castle.

You gazed at the tall trees that looked over the road hoping to catch a glimpse of some of the wild life that lived out here. In your year of living on the mountain you've seen what feels like a thousand deer, 20 owls, a family of foxes and a bobcat. You were always hoping to catch sight of something new.

The dirt road soon changed into cobblestone as you pulled into the driveway of the castle, which might as well be a tennis court in your opinion.

Peggy's blue beater car was parked to the left of the driveway, with Peggy sitting in the driver's seat. She refused to go into the castle unless someone else was there.

"My dear where have you been? The new tenants will be here any minute." Peggy questioned yours she got of her car. She was a lanky women due to age she was now hunched over a bit so she never appeared as tall as she actually was. She had her grey hair in a messy bun and was wearing what she called her lucky red shawl.

"I was getting groceries." You held up your bags to show her. She just nodded her head, her dangly earrings clanking together at the movement. She didn't enter the 4 story castle right away, instead she waited for you to unlock the ornate oak door.

"Any alcohol?" Peggy asked you as she followed you through the foyer to the kitchen. Whenever she's over she always insists on having a drink with you.

"I didn't buy any, but there's some whiskey in the pantry. I think there's more options in the parlour." You told your landlady as you set you bags down on the white marble counter top.

"Whiskey is good." Peggy said quickly, that was another thing. She refused to go anywhere in this castle by herself, she always had to have someone with her.

You grabbed the bottle from the pantry while Peggy got 2 glasses ready. "Let me do that."

Peggy busied herself with putting ice in the cups and pouring the whiskey while you put the food away. You left what you were going to make for dinner out.

You grabbed your drink and made your way into the living room with Peggy. She sat down in the green Victorian styled couch and started chatting with you.

Most of the furniture in the castle looked like it was all out of some old Victorian castle with the exception of the games room on the second floor.

The castle had 4 floors, the top 2 floors had 3 rather large bedrooms each and 3 bathrooms on both floors. The second floor had a library, study and games room. While the first floor had the living room, parlour and kitchen.

While the furniture in the castle looked antique, the castle itself was pretty modern on the inside. With dark hardwood floors, white counter tops and light grey walls.

The doorbell ringing cut yours and Peggy's conversation short.

"About time." Peggy stood from the couch, her joints cracking as she did so. Of course she made no move to answer the door until you started walking towards it.

"Hey." Was all you said as you let your new roommates in.

The tall muscular red head just grunted at you while the blond with too much hair gave you 'hello' as well. Trailing behind the 2 was a tall fellow wearing a fishnet top and black shorts, he just nodded at you.

Behind him was handsome man with a Glasgow smile and beautiful blue dreads.

Damn it felt like your heart stopped.

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