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After introductions and Peggy laying down the ground rules and giving your new roommates their house keys she left.

"Someone seems busy," the blond with too much hair or Killer as you learned his name was commented.

"Not at all she doesn't like this place actually... no one in town does." You informed the males. "C'mon I'll show you guys the rooms that are available."

You headed towards the grand staircase, the only part of the house that hasn't been modernized as it would be too much work. Your new roommates looked at each other confused before grabbing their bags and following you.

"Why not? This place seems pretty cool," Heat asked you, despite his looks his voice was actually pretty soft, a little raspy like he had been chain smoking for awhile now.

"Not sure. Peggy won't tell and everyone in town just gets quiet and weird when I ask." You shrugged your shoulders. You went to left side of the hallway on the second floor to continue up the staircase.

"Is this place haunted?" Killer asked, Kid and Wire had stayed silent so far, they only talked when introducing themselves.

"Don't think so...? I've lived here a year and haven't experienced any ghostly encounters." You told him once you reached the third floor and turned to face the 4 gentleman.

"So everyone is a bunch of pansies." Kid sneered his amber eyes holding a wicked glint to them.

"Pansies?... I guess," you pushed your glasses back up, you really needed to go get them adjusted. "Anyways there's 3 rooms on this floor and the next floor, my room is up there so 1 or 2 of you can take a room up there."

"I'm good here this place has too many stairs." Kid grumbled as he opened the door that was right next to him and slammed it shut behind him. You didn't think the place had too many stairs, the problem was that each staircase was at the opposite end of the hall from each other.

"I'll stay on this floor too." Killer disappeared through the door that was across from Kid's. Wire nodded his head and walked into the last bedroom on this floor. You were starting to wonder if the guy could say anything besides his own name.

"I guess I'm on the top floor with you." Heat gave you a small smile, but with the cuts that started from the corner of his lips and dissapeared just above his ear, his smile looked a lot bigger.

"Yeah... this way." You wanted to punch yourself for almost not being able to speak because of his beauty. You turned and led him to the staircase at the end of the hall.

It was quiet between the 2 of you as you led him up the stairs. You weren't sure if it was your imagination but your pretty sure you felt him staring at your butt. It would be easy for him as he is behind you on the stairs.

"My room's the one at the end of the hall so you can choose from the other 2." You pointed at the red oak door that led to your room.

"Thanks." Heat walked towards the room that was closest to yours, which made you blush slightly. You watched as dissapeared behind the oak door before you headed back downstairs to get started on dinner.

You passed by Killer and Wire's room, not a sound coming from them. When you passed Kid's room you could hear loud rocker music emitting from the other side. You were glad the rooms were pretty sound proof, you'd hate to wake up to that in the middle of the night.

You got to the kitchen and grabbed your  blue apron that had tiny sharks printed on it. You tied it around your waist and put your (h/c) into ponytail to keep it out of the way.

You got started on the ribs first, you would have preferred to bbq them but raccoons had knocked over the grill last week and did a lot of damage to it. So putting them in the oven would have to do instead. Next you got started on the scalloped potatoes and the mac and cheese.

"Smells good." A soft voice said from behind you, effectively causing you to throw the potato in your hand towards the ceiling. You peeked over your shoulder and saw Heat letting out an airy laugh.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Heat came further into the kitchen and picked up the potato you'd thrown.

"I expected you guys to be unpacking for a while." You rested your hand over your chest to get your heart to calm down. You were so used to living here by yourself that you forgot that your new roommates would talk to you.

"I don't have much. Need help?" Heat asked as he put his blue locks up into a bun. You watched his arm muscles flex as he put his hair up, your eyes travelled downwards as you got a peak at his stomach muscles that were exposed from his black tank top riding up. "Well?"

"Oh! Yeah can you umm... get started on the veggies?" You motioned towards the  carrots and peppers. You shook your head to get rid of the dirty thoughts that entered your head.

Heat let out another airy chuckle as he got started, you weren't sure if he was laughing cause he caught you staring or cause he found you odd.

With Heat's help you 2 finished supper quicker than you thought. The willowy man went to get his friends while you set the table.

A smile came to your lips; you were really happy to have roommates.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now