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"That actually perfect." Killer hummed, all of you guys were once again at the local diner.

"Right. And it's not like anyone in town wants to live in the castle. So we don't have to worry about anyone opening any doors or windows." You explained as dipped one of your fries into some ketchup.

Your plan was quite simple, if you guys could actually pull it off. Instead of finding some box or old jewelry box to trap the demon in, you guys would be using the castle itself. The only tricky part about this plan was making sure every door and window to the outside was locked. And that every crack was sealed.

Closing and locking all the doors was easy the hard part would be making sure every crack was sealed off as well. So today, after you all went shopping at the hardware store, you'd be filling in all the cracks while locking all the windows and back door.

"So Kid, Wire and Killer will be spray painting the symbols onto the house while Heat and I lock all the windows and use silicone to fill any holes." You recapped seeing as Kid looked like he was about to fall asleep. You couldn't blame the guy, you were all basically running on empty with the lack of sleep and stress.

Everyone nodded their head in understanding then went back to eating. It was kind of sad really the only time any of you could enjoy a meal was if it wasn't at the house.

"Soon we'll be out of here." Heat sighed his arm going around your waist and pulling you close. The two of you had already decided on moving once the whole demon fiasco was done. And the guys were right on board with the two of you.

Given you guys were trapping the demon in the castle but even if you guys chose to trap it in something else, they didn't feel comfortable staying there anymore.

Who knows what other secrets Peggy has trapped in that castle.

"And into a non-haunted house." You sank further into Heat's warmth. You and Heat had already put some of your personal belongings into the trunk of your car. And when you guys went back to the castle Kid, Killer, and Wire would do the same with Kid's truck.

"Well then let's get this show o the road."

~Le Time Skip~

You were so glad that Peggy got regular maintenance on the castle, there was barely any cracks to seal on the place. After words you and Heat went around locking all the windows and the back and side doors.

Wire had instructed the two of you to line each door and window with salt so the demon couldn't get out. It had something to do with it being pure and what not, it made no sense to you really but if Wire said it would work you'd do it.

The tricky part was locking the windows and doors, it would seem the demon was wise to your guys plan.

Every now and then you'd hear a voice, barely a whisper, telling you to follow it. Heat would catch on to this and would distract you with a kiss.

"We're almost done." Heat mumbled he poured some more salt by the window you just finished locking. Sweat was starting to build on Heat's forehead and brow bone, the demon had resorted to making the castle uncomfortably warm to get you guys to stop.

You grabbed onto Heat's hand as you showed him to the basement, honestly you didn't want to go down there, but there was one window down there. And you two needed to make sure it was shut and locked properly.

"I'll go first." Heat said as he looked down at the long dark stair case. You couldn't even see the bottom of it, the stairs just vanished into darkness. You held onto Heat's hand tighter as you guys went down one step at a time.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now