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You found yourself in the library of the castle. Heat sitting next to you as you both worked on your own things on your laptops.

You would have liked to sit outside but the weather had proved to be too bad for that. The library was a nice place to work in though.

It was about the same size as the living room and had floor to ceiling book cases. There were two grand oak tables in the center of the room with plenty of seating around them. You and Heat had opted to make yourselves comfortable at the window seat however.

You glanced over at the tall male as he concentrated on the complicated codes on his computer screen. Or maybe they were just complicated to you, stuff like that never made sense to you.

It had been three days since Heat told you he liked you and vise versa and not much had changed between the two of you. You guys did spend more tim together, but that was about it, he hasn't kissed you except that time in the car and he wasn't very affectionate.

Not that he had to do those things, spending time with him was enough for you. But you lacked experience in the relationship department so you weren't sure how things were supposed to work. And you weren't sure how to ask your boyfriend, if he was even your boyfriend now.

Kid had teased the both of you when you came back from getting the food with huge smiles plastered on your faces. But Heat was quick to say it was just a nice drive and nothing more.

"Something wrong?" Heat questioned you, he had a slightly nervous on his face. It would seem that in all your thinking you had spaced out and were unintentionally glaring at the blue haired cutie.

"Are we dating?" You blurted out, the question was nagging you too much to care about being embarrassed.

"W-what?... Yeah aren't we?" Heat asked now unsure with the way you were staring at him.

"Sorry. I just wasn't sure." You played with a lock of your hair as you nervously fidgeted in your spot.

"No, it's fine. I'm pretty new to this whole dating thing." Heat admitted, he put his laptop down and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you into his lap.

"How? You're hot!" You said a little to loudly causing both you and your boyfriend to blush.

"No one has ever found me hot." Heat now had a teasing smirk on his face. He leaned down a bit so your foreheads were touching.

"I don't believe that." You whispered out, now a little shy at how close he was to you. His dark brown eyes were staring into your (e/c) ones softly. Of course you felt you looked silly as your glasses had been pushed closer to your face.

Heat didn't think so as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. His lips were slightly chapped against yours but still very soft. He pulled back after a few seconds much to you disappointment.

"Come back here." You pouted, you placed your hand on his cheek. Your thumb gently rubbing against his scars as you pulled him down for another kiss.

Heat nibbled against your bottom lip before licking over it with his tongue. You parted your lips slightly and allowed his tongue to enter your mouth, dancing with your own. You wanted the kiss to last longer but your lungs were burning for some air.

The two of you pulled apart, soft gasps leaving your lips as rested your head against Heat's chest. You could hear his heart beating like crazy as he tried to calm his breathing.

"Wow." Heat panted out causing you to laugh softly. You laughing stopped when the lights went out. Heat's body went tense as he held you closer to himself.

"Must be a blac-" a loud shriek left your lips as something huge fell in front of you. You were pretty sure a book hit you in the back but you couldn't tell as the lights were still out.

Some shuffling noises came from further in the room as it sounded like something else fell over. At this point you were clinging on to Heat as it sounded like an animal was tearing up the library.

Heat put you down on the cushion and stood in front of you, intent on protecting you from whatever was in the room.

"Heat don't." You whined out as you pulled on his arm, you didn't want him getting hurt. He turned around and pulled you into a hug.

"It's fine." Heat was trying to comfort you which was working but you still flinched each time something was thrown across the room.

"The hell is going on in here?!" Kid yelled as he slammed the door open, the lights turning back on.

With the lights back on you could see the full damage of the room. The book cases that had been nailed to the wall were now in pieces on the ground. Books were shredded and paper was scattered everywhere.

"Are you two alright?" Killer asked as he inspected the room, like whoever had just done this would pop back out.

"Yeah." Heat answered for the both of you. You were still trembling in his arms, he held onto you protectively as he led you out of the room.

"Did a bear get or something?" Wire closed the door once all of you had left.

"I don't know. The lights went out, I couldn't see anything." Heat was busy rubbing circles on your back trying to get you to calm down.

"Do yo-"

"Wait. Wait. Wait." Kid cut Killer off, he walked up to you two a knowing smirk on his face. "When did this happen?~"

"Please Kid not now." Killer grumbled out. He was much more worried about what happened to the library then you and Heat dating.  Although he was happy for the two of you.

"I need a drink." You said as you looked up at Heat.

"I second that."

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now