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"Well that was a waste of time." Killer huffed as he got back into your car. The five of you had just finished talking to Butch... well more like scaring the poor guy.

Older gentlemen looked like he had seen a ghost when Kid had started to interrogate him and his facial expression didn't get much better once the red head had mentioned the castle. Eventually he told you guys to leave if you weren't going to buy anything at which point you afford him an apology and had Killer drag Kid out. Before he could start wrecking the place.

"Told you no one is gonna say anything, they'll just all react the same way as Butch did." You put your seatbelt on and slumped into your seat. You weren't ready to go back to the castle yet, not with the way it seemed to watch you guys from it's spot on the mountain.

"So... coffee?" Heat asked from his spot in the driver's seat. He could sense that you didn't want to go back and was suggestion something to keep you guys out longer.

"Yeah we can go to the library as well. See if there's any old news clippings about the castle." You offered your boyfriend a small smile to show him you were holding up fine.

"I'm in." Killer agreed, Wire just nodded his head and Kid didn't say anything, you assumed he was still grumpy from talking to Butch.

Heat started the car up and waited for a car to pass by before pulling into the non existence traffic of the town.

The drive was silent you guys only spoke when the boys told you and Heat what coffees they wanted before the two of you went into tiny càfe.

"Heat..." you looked up at the blue head giant that was standing next to you. He turned his head so he was looking at you and not the video game some kid was playing. "Do you... do you think that thing was trying to kill us? Back in the library?"

Heat pulled you closer to his side and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before he spoke.

"I don't think so. I mean if it wanted us dead it could have done so and easily judging by the state of the library. Or anytime before that. I think it's waiting for something?"

"But what?" You buried you head further into his side seeking his warmth and comfort. While his answer of this ghost not wanting to kill you reassured you, you shuddered at the thought of what it actually wanted.

"That's what we have to find out." Heat tightened his grip on you. You doing the same as you wrapped your arms around him, not wanting him to let go. His dark eyes looked warm as he gazed down at you his face getting closer as he leaned down to press his lips against yours.

"Order number 25." The moment was cut short when the barista put your guys order down on the counter.

Heat looked down out your red face a little longer before he grabbed the tray of drinks off the counter.

"Let's go find out how to kill a ghost." He rasped, he took your hand in his as he led you back to the car.

~ Le Time Skip~

"Reading is so boring." Kid groaned as he glared at the pages as a ghost hunting book.

"Just do it." Killer sighed as he looked at old news clippings with Wire.

"You do it!" Kid growled as he tossed the book at Killer. It would seem one cup of coffee was not enough to tame the beast.

"Will you stop." You hissed as you picked the book up off the ground. You didn't want to get out of the library without finding out anything about the castle.

"Whatever." Kid grumbled as he walked back to his table, your eyes glaring into the back of his head the whole time.

"Just ignore him." Heat whispered into your ear as he pulled you back to your table. Instead of letting you sit back in your seat he placed you down in his lap, his arms wrapped firmly around your waist.

"H-Heat what are you doing?" You mumbled, your cheeks taking on a nice rosy color. Currently your boyfriend was placing soft kisses on the back of your neck. You looked around the room to make sure none of the guys were watching.

Wire and Killer were still absorbed in the news clippings and Kid was faceplanted in his book, loud snore leaving his mouth.

"Just trying to relax you." Heat bit down on one particular spot which almost caused you to yelp out if you hadn't slapped your hand over your mouth. He sucked on the spot for a bit longer before releasing it and moving on to another spot on your neck.

"Couldn't you... y-you know do that when we're alone?" You tried to keep quiet which was getting harder with man behind you still sucking on your neck.

"We only have alone time back at the house. Which is kind of haunted at the moment." Heat's voice came out in a gentle rasp. His hands were slowly massaging circles on your waist. "Dont worry I won't do anything too daring with the guys here."

Some what satisfied with his answer you went back to reading which was extremely difficult with Heat's attention on your neck. He kept doing that for a while until he was satisfied with the amount of marks he left on the back of your neck, each one turning a deep purple.

He slouched over you a bit, his blue dreads fawning out around you and falling on the table. You started to gently curl one around your fingers as you read your book.

"Hey look at this." You called out, Wire made his way over to you two while Killer not so gently hit Kid over the head to wake him up.

"What the hell was that for?"

"(Y/N) found something." Killer said as he came over to your table.

"Yeah but I'm not sure if it's a good thing." You waited until Kid had joined your mini circle before continuing. "It say here if it's a ghost we can trap it back in the box or find it's body and burn it."

"Okay what are we waiting for? Let's go trap or burn this motherfucker!" Kid smirked almost sinister like.

"But if it's not a ghost and in fact a demon then we need to use the original spell that was used to trap or call a priest and hope they can get rid of it." You finished reading them the chapter from the book.

"Does this place have a priest?" Wire asked cautiously. He could tell from the worried look on your face that you didn't have a good answer.

"I wouldn't exactly call Father Shanks a holly man." You sighed as you rubbed the back of your neck.

It was true Father Shanks was more of a fill in until the church could find a proper priest. And until that happened the middle aged man would hold sermons on sundays and drink every other day of the week.

"Well we should still go pay him a visit maybe get some holly water." Killer said as he put his jacket back on.

The rest of you just followed him out quietly.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now