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"What's wrong (Y/N)? You look like you've seen a ghost." Heat palmed your shoulder, he hadn't started the car up since you guys left the church. Silence filled the car as the guys waited for you to speak up.

"In his office Shanks had a newspaper framed to the wall... and the clipping was about missing people at the castle." You whispered out, luckily all the guys were quiet so they could hear what you said.

"Are you sure? There was nothing about it at the library." Killer said as he didn't remember seeing anything about missing people while looking threw the old newspaper clippings at the library with Wire.

"I'm sure but I couldn't read all of it so we'll have to come back later." You told the guys, you adjusted your seatbelt before telling the Heat to take you guys to a nearby diner.

"So we'll return when Shank and his friend leave and grab the newspaper." Kid summed up, he took a bite out of his burger. He was sitting across from you at the booth, Killer and Wire sat next to him and Heat was sat next to you.

"Yep and knowing Shanks he'll finish his collection of booze soon and head off to the bar for some more." You sipped your coffee, the events of the day catching up with you. You felt exhausted.

"How long will that take?" Heat asked, he had finished his food a while ago and had busied himself with play with your hair.

"Not long hopefully. Shanks drinks alcohol like it's water." You answered leaning into your boyfriend's touch.

"He drinks that much?!" Kid asked in disbelief bits of chewed up food flying out of his mouth.

Killer grabbed a few napkins and wiped the chewed food off the counter.

"Yep." Was your simple reply, you checked the time on your phone another hour and the bar would be open.

You and the guys passed the time with idle chit chat and ordering way more food then necessary.

It had started to thunder when you guys left the diner, dark clouds blanketed the sky. And harsh winds made it hard for Heat to drive on the road.

The lights were off at the church when you guys got there and Shanks car was gone.

Wire made quick work of picking the lock on the door and soon you guys were in and in Shanks office.

"Here it is." You plucked the frame with the newspaper clipping off the wall and showed the guys. "It says here that 10 people went missing at Brewmount castle in 1972. The police believed it was linked to occult activities that took place at the castle."

"Occult? As in devil worshiping?" Heat asked as he looked over your shoulder. His front was flushed with your back allowing you to feel his well defined muscles and making it hard to concentrate on the paper.

"I-it doesn't specify. Just that when that when a young boy named Portgas D. Ace wasn't dropped off at home by his babysitter Peggy..." You stopped reading, you couldn't believe it Peggy your landlord who you'd have weekly drinks with was involved in all this.

"Let me." Heat rasped as he took the paper from your trembling hands. "Ace's older brother Thatch went to Brewmount castle to get his brother. When there wasn't an answer at the door he went around back where he saw lights in the shed. He went to go check it out but wasn't prepared for what he saw."

"What? What did he see don't stop reading now." Kid barked his fists clenched tightly waiting to hear the rest of the story.

"Right. Thatch reported seeing ten figures dressed in dark robes chanting in a circle while on fire. In the... in the center of the circle was his little brother Ace, h-his chest was ripped open and a dark figure was standing over Ace eating his flesh..." Heat trailed off, a heavy silence filling the room.

"Shit. Does it say anything else?" Killer was the first to speak up.

"Just that when police got there that none of the ten people that Thatch mentioned were there anymore." Heat's eyes skimmed over the paper. "And that a week later Thatch was found dead at home, it was thought to be the work of the cult."

"Why is no one talking about this? Why wouldn't anybody tell us that we are living in a murder castle?" You blurted out, you had removed your glasses to wipe away the tears that were streaming down your face.

What kind of fucked up town do I live in?

"Because it was covered up."

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now