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You wondered into your room after your quick shower and faceplanted onto your bed.

After you and the guys got back from the church it was close to midnight. You all decided to call it a night and headed off to your separate rooms.

You rolled onto your back and stared up at the ceiling, debating whether or not you should put on some pyjamas or just sleep naked.

It's not like anyone is in my room to see me.

You whipped your towel off and quickly got under the covers to stay warm. You reached your arm out to your night stand to turn off the lamp, plunging your room into darkness.

The darkness spooked you a bit so you ducked your head under the covers, hoping to feel some sense of security.

I should have taken Heat up on his offer to sleep in his room.

You didn't dare move from under your blanket though; too afraid of what might be lurking on the other side of them.

You layed stiff as a board under the protection of your blanket for what felt like hours, but was really five minutes. Before you drifted off to sleep.

You awoke hours later, your covers had slid halfway down your body, and the night sky was still outside your windows. But none of that concerned you, you were focused on the tall figure that stood at the end of your bed.

With it being dark and you not wearing your glasses you couldn't tell who it was.


Red eyes snapped open, glowing in the dark as they glared down at you.

Your heart felt like it stopped in your chest as a cold sweat covered your body. It got hard to breath like whatever was staring at you was sucking the air out of your lungs.

You watched with wide (e/c) eyes as the creature took a step forward, with it followed the sound of rushing wind. So loud it felt like your eardrums would pop.

You wanted to scream, to move, run to your door and out of your room. But you couldn't, those glowing red eyes kept you frozen in place.

The creature or rather demon placed a long bony hand down on your mattress next to your ankle once it was close enough. It stayed there for a minute or two just staring at you.

You watched it as well, waiting to see if it would do anything. When it made no move you thought it was safe to get out of there. Boy were you wrong.

As soon as you moved the demon placed both of it's hands on either one of your legs.

Fear and pain took over your system as your legs felt like they were on fire. Especially where the demon was touching you.

"HELP!! Heat!!" You started to yell and bang on the walls hoping to get the attention of the man who slept in the room next to you.

This only angered the demon as it tightened it's hold on your legs. The skin started to blister and peel causing you to scream louder.

The demon opened it's mouth revealing rows and rows of crooked black teeth.

"Wake up (Y/N)! Wake up!"

You jolted upright in your bed, your blanket pooling around your waist. Your (e/c) eyes frantically searching the room for the red eyed demon, instead you were met with the worried face of your boyfriend.

"Where is it!?" You whipped your head back and forth so fast you were sure you'd have a migraine after.

Heat pulled you into his pyjama covered chest, one of his arms held your waist while the other gently cradled the back of your head.

"Where's what? Nothing is in here, you were just having a nightmare. I could hear you screaming from my room." Heat said into your hair, he was swaying side to side gently trying to calm you down.

"N-No it was here! It was watching me sleep!" You started to sob into Heat's chest. Your hands gripped tightly onto his shirt as you tried to pull yourself closer to him. You didn't care that you weren't wearing anything.

"Are you talking about the demon? I think you just had a bad dream after the day we had." Heat tried his best at comforting you, something he wasn't used to but he would try for you.

"It wasn't a dream. It was here, it... it touched me see." You reached down and moved the blanket away from your legs.


From your ankle to the middle of your calf was three vertical scratches on each of your legs. The skin around the cuts was red and puffy, your legs felt a little numb as well.

"Shit. We gotta get these cleaned." Heat scooped you up in your blanket and carried you to the bathroom.

He gently plopped you down on the bathroom counter. And began looking for a first aid kit, which was a little difficult as this was technically your bathroom and he didn't know where you kept anything.

"Cabinet over the toilet." You mumbled as you snuggled into your blanket.

Quickly finding the first aid kit, Heat came back over to you and started cleaning your cuts. You winced every now and then, even with Heat being gentle, every touch to one of the cuts burned like fire.

"And done." Heat pressed a soft kiss to your bandage leg. "To make it all better."

"Thanks." You smiled up at your boyfriend, a faint blush coming to your cheeks as you remembered you had no clothes on. You pulled your blanket closer around your (s/c) figure.

Heat took notice of your actions and quickly averted his eyes. He cleared his throat before looking back at you.

"I'll let you use one of my shirts." Heat rasped as picked you up and carried you to his room.

He set you down on his bed and went rummaging through his dresser for something for you to wear.

Heat handed you a navy blue tshirt and a pair of gym shorts. He turned around so you could get dressed.

"I'm done." You honestly didn't need the shorts, his shirt was long enough that it covered everything. But you wore them anyways for modesty purposes.

Heat gave you a quick once, liking the way you looked in his clothes very much, before crawling into bed with you.

"Can... can we keep the light on?"

"Of course. Oh and (Y/N) you'll be staying in my room from now on."

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now