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Down in the parlour you were on your second glass of whiskey. Your trembling had stopped but now your head felt a little tingly from the alcohol.

"All the windows and doors are locked. And don't show any signs of someone breaking in." Killer said as he came into the room. This new information did not calm you down and instead caused you to down your drink.

Heat was sitting beside you, his arm still wrapped around your shoulder; he had held onto you ever since you guys left the library.

"Then what are you saying? That this person or animal is still in the house?" Kid barked at his friend. He didn't show it but seeing the state of the library freaked him out.

It freaked all of you out.

"No there's no one in any of the rooms." Wire spoke up, he had gone and made sure there wasn't a bear lurking in the house.

"You don't think... we let something out?" You whispered as you looked up at Heat, wanting him to tell you it was all in your head. But all he did was look at you with his dark eyes before letting out a sigh and taking a gulp of his drink.

"You mean from that tiny ass box?" Kid teased although his smirk faltered when he saw the serious looks on all of your faces. "So maybe I shouldn't have opened it."

"(Y/N) you said this place wasn't haunted." Killer pointed out.

"I did. But maybe whatever used to haunt this place got locked in that box." You sighed, you slouched into Heat for some comfort. The male held onto you tighter pulling you closer to his chest.

"Do you think we could put it back?" Heat questioned, his hand rubbing up and down your arm slowly.

"I don't know. I don't know anything about ghosts." You felt tired after your ghostly encounter upstairs and wanted to go to bed. But you felt too scared to get any sleep or leave Heat's side for that matter.

"Maybe Peggy knows something about this." Killer was the most calm of you guys right now which was needed in this situation. Plus Kid was on his third bottle of vodka.

"Maybe. But she's in the Bahamas until Friday." It was Saturday right now so you had a whole week until Peggy came back to explain things.

Killer let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his blond locks. He never thought he'd end up in a situation he thought only possible in horror movies.

"Then we ask around town if anybody knows anything." Wire stated, he had managed to wrestle away the bottle of vodka from his fuming red headed friend.

"Sure if anyone will say anything. Either way I want out of this house for a bit." You said as you stood up.

Heat set his unfinished drink down next to yours and grabbed your hand leading you to the front door. He placed your coat on you and snagged your car keys out of the little dish by the door.

Outside it had started to rain but that didn't bother you guys as you all piled into your tiny car.

Kid protesting that he had to sit in the back, but he shut up when you sat in the passenger seat and showed no signs of moving.

Quietly you all drove into town unaware of the figure watching you all.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now