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You learned that Kid was loud, a very loud person. As you ate supper with your new roommates, the fiery red head kept going on about one thing or another.

Killer kept up with Kid, he wasn't as loud as his red headed bestie but he wasn't quiet either. No the quiet one was Wire for sure, he really only smiled  and nodded his head.

Heat wasn't much different. He was quiet but he still talked more the Wire.

"So this place isn't haunted? Then why don't people in town want to come here?" Killer asked you, all four men were very curious as to why no one wanted to live in or even visit the castle.

"Well I've never seen any ghost here or had anything strange happen so I'm pretty sure it's not haunted. And the history of this place isn't all that exciting." You explained, you pushed your empty plate aside.

"Is it that boring?" Heat asked you, his raspy voice sending chills down your spine.

"Pretty much. This place was built in the 1890s by some guy with too much money on his hands. But he lost interest once this place was done being built, so he sold it. After that a family used this place as a vacation home for 20 years or so." You paused trying to remember everything Peggy told you about the castle. "In the 1930s this place was a hotel for a bit, but people didn't like driving up the mountain road so that was a bust. This place actually sat empty until the 60s when Peggy's dad bought the place and now it's Peggy's."

"That is boring," Kid grumbled he was on what you were sure was his fourth plate of food.

"And nothing happened in all those years? Not even a murder?" Killer questioned, he was now done his food and sipping on a beer instead.

"Besides someone getting lost in the woods for a night.... no nothing has happened here." You replied, you got up and started clearing the table of empty dishes, Heat and Killer helping you.

Killer insisted on doing the dishes since you had cooked and you weren't about to pass up on the chance to not do dishes. You thanked the blond and went back into the dining room with Heat.

"Question. Do we have to clean this whole place ourselves?" Wire asked you, you were kind of suprised that he had said something other then 'hello'.

You could see Kid's face morph into one of horror at the thought of having to clean a castle.

"Just your rooms and doing dishes, a cleaning and gardening service comes once a week to do everything else." You explained to the boys.

"I thought no one liked coming here?" Kid raised a brow at you in confusion.

"No one does. That's why Peggy had to hire an out of town service." You grabbed Kid's now empty plate and took it to the kitchen.

~Le Time Skip~

You pushed your glasses back up your nose for what felt like the thousandth time that day.

Currently you were in the backyard sitting in one of the many red lawn chairs, trying to edit a photo. Key word trying as you couldn't get the picture to look the way you wanted it to.

You worked at the local photography store in town, usually taking family photos or passport photos. Every now and again you'd be hired for a wedding or birthday. You also liked working on your own stuff which is what you are working on right now.

The picture in question was a shimmering blue pond that had the reflection of a young deer in it. You were suprised that the deer stayed still long enough for you to capture a picture of it.

The only problem with the photo was that whoever was there before had decided to use the pond as their personal garbage can. You had picked all the trash that you could after you had taken the picture. But now you were having trouble editing it out.

"That's really nice," you felt a warm breath on your ear. You turned your head and came nose to nose with Heat.

Your (e/c) eyes widened as you backed away, your face felt like it was on fire.

"W-well umm... hmmm that's, I mean thank you." You finally managed to blurt out. You turned to face your laptop again, not wanting Heat to look at your red face anymore.

He let out one of his airy chuckles again, he grabbed the lawn chair that was next to yours and brought it closer to you before sitting in it.

You noticed he had a laptop with himself as well. A little curious you peaked over and watched as he powered it on. The screen showed the log in page for the longest time, you were confused as to why he hadn't logged in yet. That's until you looked up and saw Heat gazing down at you, you then realized he probably wanted to keep his leg in information private.

"Sorry." You jerked back almost causing your glasses to fly off your face and got back to editing your photo.

"It's fine. But some of my clients prefer to keep their information private." Heat told you, his raspy voice was accompanied by him tapping away on his keyboard.

"Oh, what do you do? Unless you can't tell then you don't have to."

"Nothing illegal if that's what your thinking," Heat chuckled he pushed his blue locks aside as he focused on whatever was on his screen. "I'm a video game programmer, I work with many different companies instead of just one like most people. So my clients are really protective about their gaming information and making sure the competition doesn't get it."

Heat turned his laptop so you could see it. All you saw was rows and rows of numbers and letters, none of it making sense to you.

"I'm always impressed by people that can understand this stuff. Math never made sense to me." You pushed your glasses back up so they were sitting properly on your face.

Heat shrugged his shoulders as he leaned back into his chair, getting to work.

You spent another hour out there before going back in. Heat stayed outside longer continuing to work.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now