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You felt like you were in heaven, fluffy blankets surrounded you with the soft smell of fresh linen tickling your nose. And best of all Heat's arms were holding you close to his warm body.

You didn't want to open your eyes and face reality. Your scary and demonic reality.

You felt Heat shift and then a soft peck on your forehead. You slowly opened your (e/c) eyes and gazed up at Heat. Well maybe if you could stare at Heat's face all day reality wouldn't be so bad.

"Sorry did I wake you?" Heat apologized as he stretched out one of his arms to pull the blanket up more on the both of you.

"No I was already up, I was just enjoying laying next to you." You said as you pressed your face against his chest. He was just so damn warm.

Heat let out a raspy chuckle and pulled you closer to his body, if that was even possible. You two were snuggled up in a ball of warmth, forgetting about last night's events.

Well that was until you went move your legs. You let out hiss as your bandaged legs started to sting from you moving them.

"You okay?" Heat sat up and peeled the blankets away from your body, the cold air of the room made goosebumps appear on your skin. "We should get Killer to look at these?"

Heat hadn't even removed the bandages from your legs and you could already see how red and puffy the skin around it was.

"Killer a doctor or something?" You asked Heat as went to his drawers to get you some pants to wear.

"No, but Kid gets into enough trouble that he knows how to bandage things up like a professional. I'm just gonna run to your room quickly to get your glasses." Heat told as he handed you a pair of grey sweat pants. Before he could turn to leave you grabbed onto his wrist. Even with your blurry vision you could tell he was sporting a confused look.

"Be careful."

"Don't worry I will."

You put the sweat pants on while waiting for Heat to return. What was one minute felt like eternity to.

Oh God what if it ate him?

Darn why didn't I tell him I didn't need my glasses.

I mean I don't want to see the gory details if a demon tries to eat me.

Heat's only been my boyfriend for 5 seconds and I've sent him to deaths doors. What kind of girlfriend am I?

"(Y/N)?" Heat was standing in front of you, your glasses in his outstretched hand.

"You're okay!" You practically threw yourself into Heat's arms despite your burning legs.

"I told not to worry." Heat softly chuckled, his arms went around your waist keeping you in place.

"I'm gonna worry when there's a demon out and about." You gazed up at him, taking in his soft dark eyes ad stitched smile before pressing a kiss to his lips.

Heat happily returned the kiss, he found it cute that you were treating him like a soldier returning from battle.  Even if all he did was go get your glasses.

You two separated for air, Heat leaning back in for another kiss and another kiss. He stopped when he felt you start to tremble, your legs now stinging from standing so long.

"Here. Let's get you to Killer." Heat said breathlessly, he handed you your glasses so you could slip them onto your face.

Heat slipped one of his arms under your legs and the other around your waist so he could carry you bridal style to his friend. You placed your arms around his neck and snuggled close to him as he carried you downstairs.

Killer wasn't in his room when Heat got you to knock on the door. So you two went down to the kitchen to see if he was having breakfast.

When you guys got there you were surprised to see Kid up. From what Heat told you of his red headed friend and what you have seen, the buff male was usually still asleep at this time. Though he did appear like he was gonna fall asleep at any second.

"Morning guys." Wire greeted you two, he was still clad in his pajamas and a cup of coffee was clasped in his hands. "Killer will have breakfast ready any second now."

"I need him now." Heat said as he sat you down on one of the many dining room chairs. He propped your legs up onto another chair.

"What's wrong?" Kid asked his tone sounded slightly pissed. Not towards you or anyone but more like he didn't want to be up right now.

Heat didn't answer just rolled up both of your pants legs to show your bandaged legs.

"I heard my name?" Killer strolled into the dining room, a platter of bacon in his hands and frilly pink apron around his waist.

"The demon attacked (Y/N) last night. She says she was awake but I found her asleep, having a nightmare." Heat explained, he got up and stood behind your chair as Killer came over.

The blond male gently removed your bandages to get a look at your wounds.

"Damn those look nasty." Kid hissed, you could seem him visibly cringe as he looked at your legs.

The cuts from last night were still there only now they looked red and angry. The skin around the cuts was red and felt painful to the touch. The cuts themselves were shallow only breaking the skin, but it looked like someone had used a butcher knife to make them.

"Wire there's a first aid kit in the drawer next to the sink can you go grab it?" Killer gingerly touched your legs as to not irritate the cuts any further. "And an ice pack!"

"So were you awake or asleep?" Kid questioned as turned away from you. He'd been in many fights and gotten his fair share of cuts and bruises. But a wound from a demon, even if it was a shallow one, freaked him out a bit. Not that he would tell anyone.

"I don't know. It felt like I was awake but then I heard Heat calling my name and I woke up." You were also confused as to whether you were sleeping or not, when the demon approached you.

"Demons do have the ability to enter your dreams and attack you. Usually it's just mentally to break you down, so this one most have been attacking you in real life and in your dream." Wire explained as he came back into the dining room. All four of you stared at him surprised and bewildered that he knew so much. "What? I've been reading up on demonology and shit."

Killer took the first aid kit from Wire and started to clean your cuts. It stung a bit as he used a pair of tweezers to take off some of the old bandages that stuck to your leg. He then took some antibiotic ointment and spread it onto the cuts. He was careful when he wrapped some fresh bandages onto your legs, making sure they weren't too tight or too loose. Finally he handed you the ice pack to hold on your legs to help with the inflammation.

"There you'll be fine, your legs are just irritated right now but the swelling will go down." Killer said while he was closing the first aid kit back up.

"How do you know? Those cut were given to her by a demon for all we know she could die from them!" Kid yeld, his words scared you causing you to flinch and drop your ice pack.

Heat reached down and grabbed it for you, holding it against leg. He shot his friend a glare, not liking the way he was scaring you.

"Kid shut up!" Heat barked, he was worried about the same thing but didn't like the way his friend was saying it.

"No wha-"

"The cuts won't kill her. That's just the demons way of marking her. They'll go away if we get rid of the bastard." Wire scratched his chin trying to remember if that's exactly what he read.

"And how do we do that?" Kid huffed a scowl set across his face. He always had a scowl on his face but this time he looked seriously pissed.

"Peggy got rid of it." Killer pointed out.

"(Y/N) you need to call Peggy." Heat said as gazed up at you.

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