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"What takes so long to send an email?" Kid grumbled next to you. All five of you were lazing around the photo shop.

You were sitting on Heat's lap editing some photos on your laptop. While Heat was busy braiding your hair. Wire was sat on the small sofa in the shop looking through an album of sample photos. Killer had gone to the cafe down the street to get you all some food. And Kid, well Kid was sitting next you and Heat complaining about one thing or another every five minutes.

"Peggy's old, give her some time." Heat sighed, he was getting tired of his friend's whining.

You opened a drawer in your desk, searching around until you found a red fuzzy sock puppet. It was used to get the attention of babies and small children when they were brought in for family photos. You decided if it could work for children it could work for Kid. "Here."

Kid looked confused as you handed him the puppet, then down right furious. He took the puppet then slammed it to the ground.

"No need to be rude Kid, the puppet was just trying to be friendly." Heat teasingly scolded his friend. He finished braiding your hair and took an elastic band from his wrist to keep it in place.

"It was just trying to do it's job and make you happy. And you repay it by body slamming it to the ground." Wire sighed with a shake of his head.

"I thought you'd like the puppet. All the children do." You tapped your chin, pretending like you were actually thinking.

"Screw you guys! I ain't a child!"

"Then stop acting like one." Killer said he stood in the doorway with a drink tray in one hand and two brown paper bags with food in the other. How he opened the door was beyond you.

Kid slumped into his chair, grumbling something under his breath.

Killer set the food and drinks down on the low coffee table in front of Wire. The tall male set the album he was looking at and grabbed his coffee, taking one long sip of it while it was still hot.

You got up from Heat's lap and made your way to the small table. Killer had just bought an assortment of food for everyone to choose from. You grabbed three breakfast bagels and yours and Heat's coffee.

You went back over to the desk and sat in the chair Kid was previously sitting in.

"Thanks." Heat took the two bagels you offered him. He took the lid off of his coffee cup and added some sugar and cream to it before taking a sip.

You guys ate in relative silence until your laptop dinged, notifying you that you just got a message. In an instant all five of you were crowded around your laptop.

"What's it say?" Kid grumbled impatiently, it was hard for him see the email with so many heads blocking the screen.

"It's pretty straightforward. We need something to hold the demon in, we need to put some weird symbols on whatever item we choose. Then once the demon is in the container we need to say some Bible verses while burning sage." You read the email out loud, your eyes scanning it over to make sure you didn't miss anything.

"Hmmm, she also wrote that we need to be clever about it. That the demon will do everything in it's power to stop us from trapping it." Heat read the little P.S. message Peggy left at the bottom.

"Ain't no demon piece of shit gonna outsmart us." Kid scoffed, ready to be done with this problem once and for all.

"You're one to talk Kid you were the one that let it out."

"Yeah it already outsmarted you."

"Shut up!"

~Le Time Skip~

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now