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"Because it was covered up."

You gasped at the unknown voice. Heat tightened his hold on you as he turned to face whoever was at the door.

You were expecting to see Shanks standing there, instead you were suprised to see his friend. An unlit cigarette in his grasp.

He didn't look angry at catching you guys, but he did appear troubled about something.

"What do you mean covered up?" You questioned as you grasped on to Heat's shirt. Having just read the newspaper, you were a little more then spooked to say the least.

"The hell do you mean? How was it fucking covered up if it's in the papers?" Kid hollered his lips were pulled into a deep frown and a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"That was the only paper ever printed of the incident." Shank's friend -whose name tag read Benn- sighed, he grabbed a lighter from his back pocket and lit his cigarette. He took a deep inhale before releasing a lung full of smoke.

"Mr. Montilla stopped the newspaper company from publishing more papers.  Made a big donation to them or something like that. Instead Mr. Montilla got the the newspaper to change the story." Benn took another drag from his cigarette.

"Montilla who's that?" Killer asked, he swore he's heard the name before.

"That's Peggy's last name. But Mr. Montilla? Do you mean her father?" You remember Peggy telling you about her father and how he had passed 20 years ago.

"Yep Peggy's dad covered the whole thing up to keep his daughter out of jail. The Montilla's are a very rich family or they were until Peggy's dad passed away." Benn snubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray on Shanks desk.

"And that was it no one talked? What about the police? Or the news reporters? What about Ace's family?" Killer asked question after question. 

Benn just let out a long sigh as he grabbed another cigarette from his shirt pocket. You watched intently as the older gentleman lit his cigarette, you wanted him to tell you all the information he could right that second.

"Well you read what happened to Thatch." Benn said as he pulled his cigarette away from his mouth.

"Wait, are you saying the Montilla's killed Thatch?" You yelled out, your eyes held flames in them. To say you were pissed was an understatement.

"They hired someone to do it. And as for the police and news reporters, they were payed off." Benn massaged the crease between his brows.

You couldn't believe it. Dear sweet old Peggy, someone who you consider a friend; was a murderer and probably some satanic worshiper.

She always seemed so normal.

"W-why are you telling us this?" Your voice was trembling from the anger and confusion you were feeling.

"Honestly I don't know why. But I do know Peggy's troubles didn't end after that night. Whatever she summoned that night stuck around for a while." Benn walked over to the desk and opened up one of the drawers, pulling out a wallet.

He was getting ready to leave when you asked him something else.

"How do you know about all this?"

"Even though Peggy is older then Shanks and I, we are good friends. She didn't tell us right away... in fact she didn't tell us until after her father died." Benn admitted, his posture was now slouched like he was caving in on himself.

"You're monsters! You learn all this and you don't go to the police!?" You yelled, you walked over to Benn and grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him to face you.

Part of you wanted him to deny everything, tell you it was all a lie, that is was all made up so you could go back to living your simple life. But you knew that couldn't happen.

"(Y/N) stop it." Heat rasped as he pulled you off of Benn.

"No! Peggy should be locked up, hell even Benn and Shanks should be too. They knew the truth and chose not to do anything. That's basically a cover up." Your glasses were slightly fogged from your short and ragged breaths.

"And is that what you want? For an old lady to be thrown in jail?" Benn's voice was flat, he knew where your anger was coming from.

"Yes it is what I want! Peggy practically killed two people and does she face the consequences? No, she's living it up in the Bahamas!" At this point Heat had to hold you back from lunging at Benn.

"You're probably right. But what are you gonna do now? No one in this town will believe you. And even if they did you got a demon or whatever on your hands." Benn turned back towards the door, he gave you one last glance before leaving.

It was quiet. The room was filled with your soft whimpers as you cried into Heat's chest.

Benn was right.

What were you guys going to do?

"C'mon guys, let's go." Wire put the framed newspaper back in it's original spot and left the room. Kid followed behind him looking just as pissed as you felt.

"You drive." Heat tossed your car keys to Killer. The blond easily caught them and shuffled out of the room.

It was just you and Heat.

"I know your pissed right now. And probably don't want to hear this but you need to call Peggy." Heat stroked your back gently.

"Your right I don't want to hear it." You grumbled, no way you were calling that bitch.

"I know. But Peggy is probably the only one who knows how to get rid of this thing." Heat sighed, he released you from his hold and opted to hold your hand as you guys made your way out of the church.

"Why can't you call her?" You asked, you knew he was right, Peggy would have the answers you needed. Bit that didn't mean you wanted to talk to her.

"Because you two have history. And I don't think she like me and the guys much." Heat softly chuckled, though it sounded forced.

"Fine I'll call her tomorrow."

The sooner you got this over with the better.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now