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You pushed open the glass doors to the church, the guys right behind you.

The small red brick church was empty, there was no service going on today or any other activities, but still the church kept it's doors open.

"Hello! Father Shanks you here?" You called out, your voice bounce off the walls of the room. It was silent the only noise to be heard was the creaking of one of the pews as Kid layed down on it for nap.

"Back here." A voice most likely Shanks yelled from a closed of room.

Heat went over to the only other door in the church and opened it.

"Dude your voice totally doesn't match your face." You could here Shanks chuckling.

"That was me." You poked your head from behind Heat's back. You were instantly hit with the strong smell of booze.

Shanks sat behind an oak desk the surface lined with many different alcoholic beverages. At one end of the desk was another male, his dark long hair was tied back in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. And his eyes were half lidded from all the alcohol flowing through his system.

"Well how can I help you little lady?" Shank's eyes wondered over your body making you a little uncomfortable. Even if he wasn't a real priest you were still expecting better behavior from him.

Heat let out a low growl as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest.

"Oh I see you're already accounted for. Too bad." Shanks sighed as he slumped into his seat.

"Umm... yeah. Anyways we were wondering if you could help us with something." You said, by now Wire and Killer were in the room with you and Heat. Kid was still sleeping on the pew.

"Trouble in paradise? Your relationship not going the way you want it?" Shanks started asking question after question about your's and Heat's relationship and each time he sounded more hopeful.

You could tell that Heat didn't like Shanks one bit by the way he pulled you closer to his chest.

"Shanks." The man at the end of the desk hissed out, his voice held a warning behind it.

"Yes, yes. I guess I should let you guys explain why you're all here." Shanks settled back into his chair and poured himself another drink.

"Well no trouble in paradise. We actually live in the castle." You adjusted your glasses not really sure how to explain your situation. Or if the fake priest would believe you.

You noticed Shanks friend visibly tense in his chair.

"Oh the castle what a lovely place to live." Shanks chimed, you couldn't tell if he was being genuine when he said that or if he felt sorry you guys living there and was just trying to be polite.

He could also be completely drunk.

"Yes well it was nice until our friend Kid opened up a jewelry box we found at an alter on the property." Heat rasped deciding he'd get straight to the point.

Shanks eyes widened half a fraction but it was enough for you to see before he plastered a smile back on his face.

"What's so bad about opening a box?" Shanks guzzled down his drink and poured himself another. Which wasn't unusual for him, you'd seen him at the bar on the few occasions you had gone and boy could he drink.

"Because something came out of it." Wire spoke up you could tell he was starting to get impatient by the way his brows creased and his foot kept tapping on the ground.

"Something?" Shanks shout a quick glance to his friend who just shrugged his shoulders in return.

"Yeah a ghost or something. It completely destroyed our library." Killer explained he was also getting impatient with the red head.

"Well what do you want me to do about it? I'm not a real priest so i can't do anything." Shanks replied, his hands were starting to tremble a bit whether that was from the alcohol or him getting nervous from talking about the castle you couldn't tell. But one thing you could tell was that he wanted you guys out.

"I see. Sorry for wasting your time we'll go now." You politely smiled at the gentleman. Heat was about to protest but you just shushed him and led him out the door with Killer and Wire.

As you turned to follow them something on the wall caused the color to drain from your face.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now