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Heat likes you.

Repeated its self in your head all day. Even when you got home it was all you could think about.

"(Y/N)? You okay?" Came Heat's soft raspy voice. You looked over to him realizing you'd zoned out during dinner.

All four men were staring over at you, of course Kid had a smirk on his face knowing what you were just thinking about.

"H-huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine.... what were you guys talking about?" You tried to get the attention off of yourself.

"We wanted to know if we could go poking around that old shed out back?" Killer asked, once again the attention was on you.

"Yeah sure. I actually have been in there myself." You told them as you thought it over, that old shed had never interested you; in fact you completely forgot about it.

"Maybe we'll find some dead bodies in there." Kid joked, he wiggled his fingers like some ghostly weirdo.

"Or we'll find nothing." Killer stated nonchalantly, wiping the smirk off of Kid's face.

"Party pooper!" Kid stuck his tongue out at Killer.


~ Le Time Skip~

You followed behind Kid as he acted as your guys tour guide for some reason. He did the whole 'on your left is flower' and so on, until you guys finally reached the shed.

It had definitely seen better years. The door was hanging by it's hinges, all the windows were broken, and the siding had holes in it.

"You really want to go in?" You questioned the red head.

"What you afraid?" Kid teased.

"Yeah afraid of it collapsing on us."

"She's got a point," Heat agreed with you. He was looking at the building like it might fall over from the wind that was blowing harshly.

"Don't be fraidy cats." Kid grabbed the both of you by the shoulder and pushed you in.

You stumbled a bit as your foot got caught on a loose floor board.

"Careful." Heat's arm went around your waist to stop you from kissing the ground. He pulled you up and didn't remove his hand until you found your footing.

"Thanks." You pushed your glasses back up that had almost fell off your face when you tripped.

"This place looks good for seances." Wire mumbled as he looked around.

"Looks like someone's already done one here." Killer said as he pointed his phone flashlight to a wall. On it was a pentagram that looked like it was drawn in blood, but you were hoping it wasn't. Below it was a small alter that had animal bones and crosses on it. In the center of it was a small rusted jewelry box.

You moved closer to Heat suddenly feeling like you shouldn't be here anymore.

"Guys I think we should go." You said your voice trembling slightly. Heat noticed and wrapped his arm over your shoulder pulling you closer to him.

"What? But we just got here." Kid whined, he went over to the alter, inspecting it before picking up the small jewelry box.

"Maybe we should go." As the shed made a loud groaning noise. The wind outside had picked up and you were sure it could blow the shed and you guys away with it.

"Just let me see what's in this." Kid replied as he tried to wiggle open the box. The lid was practically rusted shut, but that didn't stop the red head.

"Kid just-"

"Got it." As soon as the lid opened the wind outside stopped. "There's nothing in here."


The wind started back up more violent than it had been before. The beams of the shed let out a loud groan as it sounded like someone was jumping on the roof. The door flapped back and forth wildly,  caught in the wind.

"Let's go!"

You ran out of the shed with Heat. Kid, Killer, and Wire right behind you guys. You guys didn't stop running until you were locked in the safety of the castle.

"Well... that was something, " you huffed out, out of breath.

"Next time don't open weird boxes." Wire told his friend.

"You guys didn't actually think the wind picked up because of the box? Do you?" Kid tried to joke but even you could see that his smirk looked forced.

"Then why'd you run? Killer asked his friend.

"Because... you guys were running?" Even you could tell he was lying but decided not to say anything.

After that you guys watched a movie (non horror) and called it a night.

Later that night as you slapped peacefully your door creaked open, letting in the hall light then closed again.

Scratching was heard on the floor as the creature dragged itself across the floor. It leaned itself up on your bed and peered down at you, it red eyes glowing in the dark.

It lowered itself back down onto the ground and proceeded to drag itself under your bed.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now