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"Ugh I'm so tired." You groaned out as flopped down into a chair at the table.

"Same." Heat mumbled as he set next to you. The rest of the guys came to the table as well, looking equally as tired.

"You guys too?" Killer let out a big yawn. His long blond hair was a mess on top of his head.

"I got sleep, but it wasn't restful." Wire rubbed the crusties from his eyes.

"Maybe we were just all spooked from yesterday." You suggested, that was it that had to be the answer.

"Yeah. What's for breakfast?" Kid asked he looked like he was about to fall back asleep in his chair.

"I don't feel like cooking."

"Me neither."

"Too tired."

"Let's just order something." You pulled your phone out of your pajama pocket and found the number for the local deli in town.

"The food will be here in 15 minutes, but someone has to meet the delivery guy at the bottom of the hill." You sighed as you hung up your phone.

"Seriously? They won't even drive all the way up here? What a bunch of pussies." Kid hissed out, he slammed his hand down on the table. Clearly a sleepy and hungry Kid was a pissed Kid.

"I guess I'll go." You sighed seeing as it looked like none of the other guys wanted to go.

"I'll go with you." Heat said as he got up from his chair to follow you. Even if the food would be delivered for 15 more minutes, you still had to drive down the hill which would take about 10 minutes.

"Thanks." You put your red sweater that was hanging by the front door over your pajama clad body. You led Heat out to your old beater car and got in the driver's seat while he got in the passenger's.

The drive was a quiet one, not much talking between the two of but it was awkward. Just peaceful.

But something was nagging at the back of your head. And that something was what Kid had told you the other day.

Heat likes you.

Heat likes me.

You took a sneak peek at the tall male next to you. He had the window rolled down a bit, his blue locks dancing in the breeze. His dark brown almost black eyes looked tired but full of curiosity as he stared out the window.

You turned your focus back to the road when you noticed Heat was about to look over at you.

"It's really pretty out here." Heat commented his voice soft and raspy like always.

"It is. I like going for walks out here whenever I have the chance." You pointed to a dirt path that was along the road. "I get to see a lot of wildlife."

"Can... can I come on a walk with you sometime?" Heat asked his cheeks were a little rosy and he stared down at his legs instead of you.

"Of course." You beamed up at him, you'd take any chance you could to spend more time with him.

"Really? That's good." Heat smiled his whole face lighting up, while yours got all red. He looked so cute smiling at you like that.

You came to the end of the hill and pulled up next to the side of the road.

"Now we wait." You huffed out. You leaned your seat back a little further so you could relax, Heat doing the same thing.

"So... does no one deliver to the castle?" Heat questioned, he was very curious about this as he found the castle a nice place to live. But that just might be because you are there.

"No some people do. The mailman has to," you giggled. "But no one wants to come that close so lots of deliveries are just left at the front of the driveway. Or they asked to be met at the bottom of the hill."

"That's stupid. The place is so nice and nothing scary is going on. Besides what happened yesterday." Heat rasped out, he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and was about to light it before he looked over at you. "Is it okay if I smoke in here?"

"Yeah it's fine." You rolled down your window so the smoke could filter out of your car. Heat did the same thing before lighting his cigarette.

Heat exhaled some smoke from his mouth before taking another drag of his cigarette. There was something calming in the way he smoked, like you could watch him do it all day.

"What do you think happened yesterday?" You questioned Heat.

"Honestly... I'm not sure. I just felt really nervous the whole time we were in that shed. And then... then Kid opened the box and I felt like I had to get you out of there." Heat worded his answer carefully.

"Hold up. You were more worried about my safety then your own?" You gazed at him confused, you were sure most people would be more concerned about getting themselves out in a situation like that.

"Well, yeah. You didn't want to be in there and you're really nice so I thought..." Heat trailed of from his answer as he found he couldn't look at you in the eyes.

You leaned on your right side sou you could face him better. "You thought what?"

Heat looked down at you then back out the window. The tips of his ears were starting to burn before he turned to look back at you.

"I know we've only known each other for a few days. But I thought it would really suck if I couldn't see you smile anymore or walk down to the kitchen and see you dancing as you made breakfast. It would suck if I couldn't see you push your glasses back up onto your cute nose." Heat leaned over and pushed said glasses back up onto your nose and placed a kiss on your forehead. "It would just really suck if I couldn't see you."

You were blushing like mad as he leaned back. A soft chuckle left his lips as he stared down at you.

You were aware that Heat liked you, you just didn't think he'd confess so soon. Or so beautifully.

"Heat I-"

"Excuse me." The delivery man stood outside your car, a big bag of food in his hands. You paid him and took the food from him. Slightly peeved that he interrupted you.

You started your car back up and turned around so you could start heading back up the hill.

"Just so you know, I think it would really suck if I couldn't see you again either." You confessed a smile on your face.

Heat's smile matching your own.

Do You Believe in Ghost? (HeatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now