It is a Sad Heart that Never Rejoices

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A sudden distress feeling had struck him like lightning strikes the ground. He became redundant, without a job, and his feelings now turned into anxiety. He was upset and suffering a devastating moment of his life. Unanticipated circumstances turned into a disaster that left him no other choice except to leave his beloved city and find work elsewhere.

On the pursuing day, Holland started his research work for a new job. However, after searching for a while, he couldn't find any relevant or intriguing job. After exploring for hours, Holland became frustrated and left the house. Even though the local authority issued an admonition to the public due to consecutive heavy rain pouring all night.

Holland was shivering from the cold, but he was still sitting on the bench in New Park, his favourite place. He was perturbed about his family and prospects. As usual, the park was deserted. Holland was admiring the beauty of the rain as well as worried about it.

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