Blind as a Bat

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The road was empty, and there wasn't visible explicitly because of the dark, so he took the torch from the truck's drawer and illuminated it. He still couldn't see anything clearly. When he was looking for the voice source, he saw a huge eerie tree whose roots covered the whole ground. It had some resemblance to the banyan tree described by the mechanic in his story.

Richard was terrified, but still, he was standing and looking for clues about the voice. His sinking courage had started depleting slowly, and his heart growing with the fear.

He heard the voice again, and his remains of the courage had gone entirely now. He found himself in the middle of a catastrophic moment; he didn't know what to do and how to save his life.

He lost his mind and started begging to the woman, "Please let me go. I shall return to you what had been stolen from you, but first, please let me go." After the sudden silence, the voice repeated again, but this time it was much closer than before. It was becoming the same situation as narrated in the mechanic's story. It seemed the story is getting real.

He started walking on the road by leaving his truck behind. He heard the voice again, and when he turned back to see the creeping lady, there wasn't anything at all. He thought maybe his mind playing tricks with him. But suddenly, a hand came out from nowhere and grabbed him from behind. Someone pulled him forcefully. He struggled to skip from the demonic hand, but he couldn't resist himself as he was too weak. Richard saw the horrible face of the woman when he was struggling to free himself. The face that he wouldn't be going to forget the rest of his life if miraculously he got saved from the tragic death.

She dragged Richard into the tree to cut his throat and suck all his blood, but Richard reacted immediately and pushed her away by force. She dropped Richard on the ground.

He was lying down on the ground unconsciously. When he woke up after a couple of minutes. He was crying and screaming in pain as his chest ribs had broken from the fall. He found himself surrounded by cats. They were crawling all over his body, even on his broken chest. He was in agony, but because of the broken ribs, he couldn't move.

Then he heard the creepy voice of the lady again. She was crawling towards him. Richard was struggling but still trying to see the crawling woman, but he couldn't move. The sound of crawling was getting louder and louder when he finally tried to move his face back, he saw the old lady crawling towards him and asking something in a creepy voice.

He heard that she was asking about the bronze ring, then he realized that the ring he found with his friends was cursed, but it was too late now. The old lady was already sitting on his chest.

She sucked all of his blood, then left the bones and meat for the cats to be eaten and disappeared.

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