Holland's House - The Final Night

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Jamie and Andy were sitting in the living room, thinking about the horrible night. They were so afraid to sleep in that room again. All their courage had been already depleted. What they experienced last night was an undeniably terrifying event. They haven't discussed it with anyone, including Miss Benedict, their caretaker.

Anyhow, after an hour, they both fell asleep. It was the middle of the night when all the weird things started happening again.

Jamie woke up by breaking his sleep to drink some water. He was looking for his bottle; however, it was empty as Miss Benedict forgot to fill it. He was fearing to go out to fill his water bottle but still, he went down.

He reached the kitchen after taking the long stairs, opened the fridge door and started pouring the water into his bottle. Suddenly, he smelt something like rotting flesh. He looked around but found nothing. He closed the door of the fridge and went back upstairs. When he was climbing the stairs, he heard some sound which came from the kitchen.

After sparing some courage, he went down again to check the noise. He saw a shadow sitting on the dinner table. He was scared to death, but he still did not lose his momentum as he was a brave boy. He went ahead to check the shadow, but nothing was there. When he was checking the dinner table, he saw a leg below the dinner table. He was terrified and thinking that the old lady has returned. He lifted the drapes of the table to uncover the secret. When he lifted the table's drapes, he screamed in as that was Miss Benedict's dead body was lying there. Her throat was cut, and her whole blood was sucked by someone. He cried and ran away to his room.

He reached his room and close the door very fast, but it was too late; she was already inside the room. She grabbed Jamie, put him into his bed and sat on his chest, intending to kill him.

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