Tremble Like A Leaf

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A few minutes later, he woke up again, but this time he was filled with perspiration, and his face turned snowy white like he saw something horrendous. He realized that the aunt and the friend who had dinner with him last night died several years ago. The friend was killed in an accident last month, and his aunt died because of lung disease.

His mind became unresponsive for a few minutes, and his eyes went black; he was in deep shock. He was dreadfully terrified, afraid of the thought of people to whom he was taking the dinner last night.

The whispering sound began again. He was scared, anxious, and his whole body was shaking in an odd trembling rhythm. He exhausted and nullified all of his courage drained, and nothing left inside him to go out and face the noise again. He decided to wait until the voice goes away. He waited long, abundantly, but the noises were still there, and it was getting louder with every step, every second.

The room temperature had increased tremendously as the sudden power failure stopped the AC. The room was hot, but Davis' body was cold, so cold like ice, his heart started pounding so fast that it felt like it was hammering against his chest.

'He was furiously frantic as a cat who was seized in a closed room with a snake.

He was petrifying as a deer who got picked by a leopard.

He was unnervingly horrified as a common man caught in a bullfight'.

When he got some sobriety back, he heard a weird sound of crawling as someone was sluggishly crawling and trying to cover the ground. He was scared to death to go out of his room to check the noise source, but anyhow, he decided to check it. Frighteningly, he left his bed and went outside.

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