Chapter 2: James

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Monday morning.




I quickly finished my breakfast and grabbed my satchel and scabbard.  I hid the sword carefully under my clothes and rushed toward the door yelling, "BYE, STEP-MOTHER!"

I liked to do that.  Especially when she was still asleep.  I know it's kinda wrong, but the satisfying thump of her falling off her fancy bed is too tempting.  I was too much in a rush today to listen for it or wait for her to scream at me.

I have to admit.  I'm a little nervous for school.


A lot nervous. 

Step-mother made me transfer schools over the summer.  She's done it every summer since my father disappeared.  I think she does it on purpose, so I can never make any close friends.  She doesn't like anyone coming over.

I sulked--semi-quickly--toward the large school near the palace.  I was so focused on my feet that I didn't see someone reaching out their foot and tripping me.  I fell onto my face. 

Sure I could take down three men with one hand behind my back...but school drama?  Count me out.  I looked up to see who had tripped me.  Looming in front of me--scarier than any goon I had ever fought--was a tall girl with straight blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.  My brown hair fell in front of my slightly dull green eyes in fear.  I wished I had the confidence I had when I fought thieves.  I tried to stand but she put her large boot on my back, preventing me.

"You're the new girl, aren't you. Look, you're not even wearing a dress," the girl said, pointing at my pants and jerkin.  "Oh! What's this?" 

The handle of my sword was jutting slightly out of my pants.  She pulled it out, making an annoying scratching sound.  Of course she wouldn't be careful not to scratch it.

"A knife?" the girl questioned, her tone accusatory.

"It's a sword," I replied bitterly. "Give it back." It had been my father's sword.  Engraved on the blade were the words:

Be strong and courageous.

It was the only thing her step-mother had left her of her father's things. 

"Please," I begged.

"Oh you want it, do you?" the girl sneered.  

"Give it back," a new voice said firmly.  I couldn't see who it was, but it sounded like a boy.  Suddenly the blonde girl dropped the sword and rushed off.  

"I'm so sorry. That's Amber. You should stay away from her," the same voice who had saved me said.  I looked up and into a handsome boy's face.  His hair and eyes were similar shades of light brown, but his eyes had unusual gold flecks.  He offered a hand to me but I ignored it.  I pulled myself up, mumbled a thanks, and grabbed my sword, putting it back into my hidden scabbard.  When I started walking toward the school, the boy followed. 

"My name is James," he said, holding out a hand as we walked.  

I kept walking, only mumbled a simple, "Mhm."

He was persistent though.

"You must be the new student. I can show you around if you'd like. I know this place like the back of my hand." He grinned at the end, showing his perfect white teeth.  Those teeth bothered me.  He was obviously higher in rank than my family.  His jerkin was much fancier than mine.  I didn't like those stuck up nobles.  He was probably just trying to be nice for show.  Again, I ignored him, hoping he would just leave.

He didn't.

"You look like you would be in the same classes as me. How old are you?"

"Sixteen," I mumbled, hoping I wasn't making a mistake talking to him.  He just made it so hard not to.

"Me too!" he exclaimed.  "Here, I'll take you to our first class." He grabbed my arm but quickly pulled away when I flinched.  I didn't like people touching me.  

He led me through the unfamiliar stony halls, careful not to touch me again.  At least he took a hint.  I bit my lip as I followed him.  He did seem genuinely nice...




You do not get involved with nobles, I told myself.

Or anyone for that matter, I added. Step-mother is just going to move you again.

Plus, you can never trust anyone.

We arrived at large wooden doors that seemed quite intimidating on their own.  But when James opened the door...

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