Chapter 11: The Truth

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I walked down the halls of the school. It had been three weeks, and I finally knew the school like the back of my hand. I was on my way to a class for only girls--home economics--so James wasn't with me. I was about to open the door to my class, when someone stopped me.

"What's going on between you and James?" Amber asked, one hand on the door and the other on her hip.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "We're just friends."

"James is mine," she snapped. "I will become his princess."


"You have no idea who he is, do you?" Amber questioned, coming right up to my face. I could smell her breath. My eyes watered, and I resisted the cough in my throat.

"What are you talking about?"

She smiled cruelly. "He hasn't told you? He's a prince! Son of King Henry and Queen Mary."

"What?" I questioned. That couldn't be true. "You're lying."

"Ask him for yourself," Amber replied. She walked away, leaving me with questions I hoped didn't lead to Amber being right. He couldn't be a prince...


He was way too nice. Royalty was cruel and selfish. James was none of that. Plus, he had become friends with me. Why would any prince do that?

I entered my home-economics' classroom and sighed.

We were making dresses.

Just what I needed.

I grabbed a needle, some thread, and the plainest fabric I could find. But it wasn't easy. Finally I settled on some cream fabric probably meant for undergarments. But it looked breathable enough.

I hid in a far corner and sewed for what seemed like hours. It soon became mindless and my thoughts shifted to James.

Why would Amber lie about him being a prince? Did she not want me and James to be friends anymore? They didn't seem close when I got here. James seemed to realize how mean she was. He even saved me from her!

But why would Amber say James was a prince and literally say, 'Back off'?

I was startled out of my thoughts when I poked myself with my needle. I bit my lip to keep back a small gasp.

I looked down at my fabric and realized I definitely wasn't making a dress. I wasn't sure what it was.

Suddenly, I heard the clash of metal on metal. Instincts took over and I quickly slipped out of the room, undetected. I ran down the halls, following the sounds.

Who would attack a school?

I burst into a room at the end of the hallway. I whipped out my sword.

All eyes turned to me and my face grew hot.

Everyone in the room wore white head to toe outfits and held long, not-pointy-at-all swords. I mentally slapped myself.

Of course they had fencing.

One of them removed their mask.

"What happened, Lily?" James asked.

"I...I..." I stuttered. "Never mind!" I rushed out, putting my sword away. I raced back to class and snuck back in. No one suspicious of anything. That I could tell. I just hoped James wouldn't bring it up.

After my failed attempt at sewing, I went to go find James. We were walking home together, and I needed answers. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty classroom. I looked around to see if we were alone. It was all clear.

"Amber approached me today," I began.

"What did she say?" he asked. "Did you stand up to her?"

I looked away before replying. "She...told me something..."

"What did she tell you?" James asked when I didn't finish.

"She said...she said..." I tried not to let a tear fall down my cheek. One did anyway, and James wiped it away.

"Whatever she said, she's going to regret it," James murmured. He turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm.

"She said you were a prince!" I blurted.

He stoped, turning to me when he said, "She...what?"

"I know it's crazy! I don't why she said--"

"Lily," he interrupted. "It's...true." He turned away.

I let go of his arm and took a step back. "What?"

"It's true. I'm prince James, son of King Henry and Queen Mary."

"You're a prince?" I exclaimed.  

No, no, no.

"Why would you lie to me!?" I screamed.

"I'm sorry Lily. You didn't know who I really was, and I have to admit. I liked it...a lot. But it was wrong, and I'm sorry."

"I should've known. You're selfish. Just like all royalty. Only thinking about yourself. Never caring who you hurt."

"Lily, please--"

"No." I shook my head.  The tears falling now were hot and angry.  I opened up my heart again and then...

"I'm still your friend!" James cried. 

"No!" I yelled. "Friends don't lie to friends." 

I pushed past him and ran out the door.

I ran down the hallways, out the front door, and into the forest. 

I ran until my legs gave out under me. I leaned back on a tree and cried and cried and cried.

My only friend.

The closest I had been to anyone since my father's disappearance.

I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice the shadow approaching me until it was too late.


Everything went dark.

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